CAST AIP - SSL - Errors - Cannot provide secure connection

If you are trying to connect to a CAST Product outside of the CAST server and get the error when trying to connect:

Cannot provide secure connection

It may look something like this:

Secure connection error in Google Chrome.


Applicable CAST Version

8.3.x  Yes



Applicable RDBMS

CSS  Yes



Step by Step scenario

  1. Encountered error in browser.


Action Plan

The issue normally occurs because the organization requires SSL traffic to be done when communicating between servers, so the CAST product needs to be setup for SSL.

Follow the documentation for setting up the CAST product for SSL to resolve this issue.

This page may also provide assistance:  Secure Socket Layer (SSL) CAST implementations

If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input


Relevant input

  • CAST Log file
  • A detailed list of the steps done
  • Screenshots from part of AIP showing the issue 


Ticket # 38360






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