What you should know before submitting a suggestion in the Product Feedback forum
- The forum is visible to all CAST customers - Do not include confidential information.
- If for specific reasons, they consider that their proposal contains confidential information, they should make their proposal in the forum without such information and address the confidential information to CAST via email.
- The CAST Product Management Team - PMT - typically responds to suggestions within one week
- You are invited to vote for existing suggestions or comment, for e.g. if you agree with the suggestion, if you see additional benefits, if you need something slightly different.
- It is possible to suggest a new feature or to improve an existing one by initiating a product feedback discussion thread. But it is recommended to search for existing similar suggestions before submitting your own. You can vote or comment on the existing one. In this way it is easier for Product Management Team to see which suggestions are the most popular.
- You are automatically notified by email about answers to your suggestions or those you have voted/commented for. You can also Follow other's suggestions to receive notifications, or Follow the forum to receive notifications for every new suggestion. Select Unfollow to stop receiving notifications.
- Please do not add any suggestions in the "comments" section of this page. All the product improvement suggestions should only be made in the Product Feedback forum
Please note that the Product Feedback forum is NOT for contacting CAST Support to ask product question or report issues. For this please create a normal ticket using the "Submit a request" button or "Sign in" to submit a request in CAST (
Click here to go directly to the Product Feedback forum.
How to Start a new discussion in the Product Feedback forum
Before creating a new thread in the Product Feedback forum, please check if a similar one has not been already created. If there exists a similar suggestion, it is better to contribute to it in order to gather comments and votes on the existing suggestion. This is particularly useful for qualification and priority evaluation by Product Management team.
Creating a new product feedback discussion can be done by clicking the “New Post" button and filling in the dialog box that appears.
Please read the following points to help us in understanding and getting more clarity about your suggestions.
Please select the appropriate topic from the "Topic" drop down.
Click “Post” when you have finished describing your suggestion. Other users of the forum will then be able to follow you and to contribute to your post.
Product Management team at CAST tries to provide answers to all valid proposals within a week.
How to Promote existing suggestions
In addition to giving feedback and proposing suggestions for product evolution, you can also contribute to those posted by other users in the Product Feedback forum.
You can add comments to share your own views on a given aspect and thus provide a valuable help in qualifying an improvement. To do this just fill-in the “Comment” section and then click on the “Submit” button.
CAST’s Product Managers will contribute to discussions as well as other users.
You can also contribute to promote, in terms of priority, an evolution you would like to see in the product by voting for it. You just have to use the spinning widget to add or remove your vote.
How to get notified when a product feedback discussion is created or updated?
You will be notified (through emails) each time someone adds a comment or put their vote on the discussion thread you have initiated in the Product Feedback forum
You can also follow a discussion thread by clicking the “Follow” button associated to the discussion thread. Then, you will receive a notification at each update. Note that clicking the “Follow” button associated to the “CAST product feedback” topic will make you notified each time a discussion thread is initiated or updated.
For Highlight
Please contact your CAST sales representative who then will initiate the feature request process for R&D to review. CAST HIGHLIGHT - How to raise a feature request or make a suggestion for the improvement of the product
We want to migrate our Oracle schemas in 11G, CAST version 7.3.x and 7.2.x to postgres server. Do you have any functionality to migrate CAST schema in oracle 11G to postgresql. Can this functionality be provided by 30th APril 2015. Please update us.
I would like to ask you when Angular5 will be available and in which version.
thanks & Regards
Please provide group by feature in action plan view in AED as was provided in CED. It will help to group the items per team or department, etc. We cannot switch to AED without this feature available in AED
We have several applications belonging to the same local and central schema. For security policy when analysis end we clean up the Deploy folder and so no code is available in that folder.
Doing analysis, when starts 'starting Task Update Sources in "XXX_local' it is looking for code of the other applications belonging to the same local. It spends more than 15 minutes looking them doing errors like: cannot find : S:\Deploy\X\...... for each module and each applications stored in the same loca.
Maybe it could be useful to modify procedure, so CAST can upload only code related to the scanning application without looking for the other
About the quality rule: "Close the outermost stream ASAP"
When another method is used to close the outermost, the Quality Rule incorrectly reports this as a violation.
I checked into the documentation and it is not a known bug by CAST
our GIT URL is not connected from the DMT and is giving an error saying
"the clone command was called either with invalid credentials or invalid URL."
Investigating further with CAST ticket support we found the systems where the issue is appearing are connected to the internet with the PROXY settings and Cast DMT for GIT does not support proxy with authentication, this is the reason the Git is not getting packaged.
Our network company is working only with proxy settings.
Is there any plan to fix the issue? For us it is very important and impacting item.
It is possible to see the new snapshot in the dashboard, even if the tomcat service is not restarted?
Can we get groovy files support in any upcoming CAST release?
any tentative date for this?
When we tried to demo imaging to the client, they have noticed that it would be good if there is a use case functionality. This is for the client sake, so that they can easily read or analyze the content of the application.
Other suggestion is, the Business logic grouping. Upon looking for the grouping functionality of imaging, the client have noticed that you have to do a grouping on your own. They suggested if it would be possible for CAST imaging to do its own grouping, just like Architecture checker.
The OWASP-2017 summary report produced with RepGen contains any findings for security violations with table evolution with Total Vulnerabilities, Added Vulnerabilities and Removed Vulnerabilities. Do you know a way to customize the template report to have Total Vulnerabilities only in report created with RepGen?
CAST Web Installer is good idea.
However it would be better if ;
- install feature can be selected. currently both CAST AIP and Imaging System are installed with valid license key.
- License key can be enter after installation is completed.