CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock

To speed up tickets resolution, we have thought of creating a single tool which retrieves automatically useful input from your CAST platform such as log files, job exports, database exports, consistency… The advantage of this tool is to get all possible input in one single go instead of asking for each element separately as the investigation goes. This will avoid comings and goings with CAST Technical Support.

To summarize, the tool allows to retrieve the following input for the application(s) you will select:

  • Log files
  • Job exports
  • Databases exports: Knowledge, Central, Management, Measurement bases in Oracle, CAST Storage Service and SQL Server.
  • Database Consistency checker
  • Configuration files
  • Computer Environment

For full details of input retrieved by the tool, download the tool and its user guide CAST Support Tool (CST).pdf and read the paragraph CAST Input retrieved by CAST Support Tool (CST).

Please run the tool on your analysis machine and upload the output zip file at the ticket creation, providing CAST Technical Support team with the above input in one go. 

If you face any issue with the tool, report it at Problem in CST Tool  - Alias Sherlock.


Version 8.3.24

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue



Bug CST CLI is failing when the connection profile does not have any application


 Bug  CST CLI No application name in the command line even though the application is selected


 Bug  CST CLI - When CST run in CLI it generates 0kb out.log file


 Bug  Update CST user guide with info when we want to uncheck options in CST CLI


 Improvement  Manage the Error Code in Sherlock CLI


Version 8.3.18

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue



Bug CST fails with an exception while running configuration files step


Version 8.3.17

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Improvement Sherlock should fetch the "plugins" folder present inside the delivery folder


Version 8.3.16

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug CAST Binaries folder getting fetched even though the option is not selected


Bug Backup not extracted for 8.3.13 onward


Bug Add an option in CST CLI to take the CAST Binaries from user's environment


Bug CST version in GUI was not getting reflected


Version 8.3.14

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue



Extraction of the CAST Binaries will be performed when a specific option is set


Version 8.3.13

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Improvement Sherlock doesn't work on openJdk environment


Version 8.3.12

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue



Bug Exception while running Sherlock



CST version is not visible on the GUI when CST is launched


Version 8.3.11

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Improvement AMT_memory.log file location has been changed in 8.3.x


Version 8.3.10

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Improvement In CST create a checkbox which can be used if user want to take all the previous version source code in the delivery folder


Version 8.3.9

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Improvement Sherlock should update the source code under the local and central schema instead of truncating


Improvement Analysis log and MA log should be saved in the folder "Analysis" which should be under Logs folder


Version 8.3.8

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Analysis log should be present in the folder name "Analysis" not the name with application name


Bug CST CLI - Never stops in command line and runs forever


Bug Unhandled Exception While running Sherlock


Bug Analysis log not fetched



Sherlock should fetch multiple SQLTABLESIZE files if configured in multiple paths in CAST-MS


Version 8.2.15

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Analysis log should be present in the folder name "Analysis" not the name with application name


Bug CST CLI - Never stops in command line and runs forever


Bug Unhandled Exception While running Sherlock


Bug Analysis log not fetched



Sherlock should fetch multiple SQLTABLESIZE files if configured in multiple paths in CAST-MS


Version 8.3.7

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Issue with Sherlock CLI - Unhandled Exception: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.


Version 8.2.14

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Issue with Sherlock CLI - Unhandled Exception: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.


Version 8.3.6

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Sherlock 8.3.4 did not fetch the analysis log


Bug Sherlock in CLI 


Bug Sherlock should not ask user to manually kill 7za.exe


Bug  Unhandled exception -- The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters.


Bug  Sherlock to identify the flat binaries path when run through CAST flat folder


Version 8.2.13

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Sherlock 8.3.4 did not fetch the analysis log


Bug Sherlock in CLI 


Bug Sherlock should not ask user to manually kill 7za.exe


Bug  Unhandled exception -- The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters.



 Sherlock to identify the flat binaries path when run through CAST flat folder


Version 8.2.12

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Sherlock has issue while taking dumps for big application


Bug Error during deployment folders gethering - System.OutofMemoryException was thrown


 Bug  Server manager log is not fetched by Sherlock 8.3.4


Version 8.3.5

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Sherlock has issue while taking dumps for big application


Bug Error during deployment folders gethering - System.OutofMemoryException was thrown


 Bug  Server manager log is not fetched by Sherlock 8.3.4


Version 8.2.11

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug CST should fetch ApplicationExtension.castlog file


Bug CAST support tool doesn't seem to recoginize if CAST_CURRENT_USER_WORK_PATH is set in CastGlobalSettings.ini


Version 8.3.4

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug CST should fetch ApplicationExtension.castlog file


Bug CAST support tool doesn't seem to recoginize if CAST_CURRENT_USER_WORK_PATH is set in CastGlobalSettings.ini


Version 8.2.10

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Analysis log and other logs of CAST AIP 8.3.2 did not get fetch by Sherlock in 8.3.2


Bug Log files produced during a Snapshot are saved in a "Take_a_snapshot_of_xxx" sub-folder


Feature Request CST should fetch AED consolidation log file


Version 8.3.3

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Analysis log and other logs of CAST AIP 8.3.2 did not get fetch by Sherlock in 8.3.2


Bug Log files produced during a Snapshot are saved in a "Take_a_snapshot_of_xxx" sub-folder


Feature Request CST should fetch AED consolidation log file


Version 8.3.2

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP Versions till 8.3.x, x<3

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug When directory separator is not configured in castglobalsettings.ini file cast-ms preferences file does not get picked up


Bug Sherlock to fetch DynamicLinkManager.log


Feature Request From 8.3.2 for TCC, AC and APO their logs would be generated in their corresponding sub folder

Version 8.2.9

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x , 8.2.x and 8.3.x where x=0

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Narrow down the fetching of Delivery folder (should contain the standard folders, does not contain customized files/folders)


Bug Error while getting Extension folder when directory separator is not configured in castglobalsettings.ini

Version 8.3.1

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.3 > bin > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x , 8.2.x and 8.3.x where x<=2

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Improvement Fetch Dynamic Link Rule file from users environment


Improvement Log name and location changed for Architecture checker, Action plan optimizer and TCC

Version 8.3.0

This version of tool is not embedded in the CAST AIP 8.3.0 package unfortunately, so when you launch Sherlock 8.3.0 from CAST AIP package fetching of CAST-MS logs and its sub process logs would not get fetched so we request you to download the tool from this space.

The version embedded in CAST AIP package has changes for the updated location of blackbox file (SLK-526) and a bug while getting the delivery folder (SLK-531) only.

This version would fetch only the extensions which are managed hence the size of extracted file would be less and less time consuming.

You have to download the tool and its user guide at

It is compatible with CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x , 8.2.x and 8.3.x where x=0

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Improvement CST to fetch CastGlobalSettings.ini file from user environment


Improvement Sherlock to collect ONLY the extensions which are managed in the mngt base
SLK-529 Improvement As a user, I need to be able to create a Sherlock dump using a CLI-only application
SLK-528 Improvement

CST to fetch the CAST-MS log and its sub process logs taking in account the changes done in CAST 8.3.0



 CST to fetch the blackbox files from the updated location changed in 8.3.0



Error while fetching the delivery folder - Error during delivery folders gathering. (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incor

Version 8.2.7

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x.

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Error while fetching the delivery folder - Error during delivery folders gathering. (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)

Version 8.2.6

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x.

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Improvement Sherlock should fetch AMT logs


Bug Error during Environment profile files gathering. (The system cannot find the file specified)
 SLK-525  Improvement  Upgrade Cast Support Tool alias Sherlock from Target Framework 2.0 to Target Framework 4.5

Version 8.2.5

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x.

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Improvement When temp path is empty Sherlock should check the default temp path


Improvement CST should fetch AedCli log file


 Bug  Error during delivery folders gathering. (The filename or extension is too long)

Version 8.1.5

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.1 > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP  8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x.

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


 Bug Performance issue while getting source code of multiple application

Version 8.2.4

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x.

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


   Bug functionality to allow user to type the path for CST working path, CST binaries path


   Bug Sherlock to get "weblayers" folder from LISA folder

Version 8.2.3

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x.

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug When deploy folder changes in CMS Sherlock does not fetch the source code.


Improvement Sherlock to provide the information on installed extensions


Feature Request Source code should be removed from CB when the export source code option is unchecked

Version 8.1.4

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.1 > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


 Improvement Sherlock restore schema should stop when the schema to import does not exists

Version 8.1.3

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.1 > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


 Bug Sherlock should identify if the bases are locked rather than waiting for long time to take the backup of CAST bases

Version 8.0.5

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.0 > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue
SLK-509 Bug GUI issue - When selecting only the Export source code it gets checked but Configuration files should also be checked
Bug When deploy folder changes in CMS Sherlock does not fetch the source code.

Version 8.1.2

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.0 > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue


Bug Collect content of new CAST-MS Task Logger


Bug Error: Problem while exporting data - XMLTODB.exe did not export the data from DSS_CODE_SOURCES table properly

Version 8.2.2

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package.(To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.2 > CAST Support Tool).
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue
SLK-506 Bug Sherlock giving error while getting the Cast configuration files
Bug Performance counter is not configured still getting the critical memory alert

Version 8.2.0

This version is embedded in the CAST AIP package as CAST AIP 8.2 is not released yet.
You have to download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue
SLK-496 Feature Request Sherlock to retrieve the local DELIVERY folder when AIC Portal is launched
Improvement Sherlock to be compatible with CAST AIP 8.2.0
SLK-500 Feature Request Source code should be removed from CB when the export source code option is unchecked

Version 8.1.1

This version is also embedded in the CAST AIP package (To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.1 > CAST Support Tool).
Alternatively, you may download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x and 8.1.x

List of changes:

Issue Type
Summary of the issue
SLK-497 Feature Request Sherlock to retrieve the AIC Portal log present in the Delivery root folder under Log folder
Bug Sherlock throws error when application name has special chars in it
SLK-493 Bug Un-checking the configuration files option should deactivate the Export source code option

Version 8.1.0

This version is also embedded in the CAST AIP package (To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.1 > CAST Support Tool).
Alternatively, you may download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x, 8.1.x.

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue
 SLK-487 Improvement Sherlock to be compatible with CAST AIP 8.1


Version 8.0.3

This version is also embedded in the CAST AIP package (To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.0 > CAST Support Tool).
Alternatively, you may download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with CAST AIP 8.0.x and 8.1.x

List of changes:

SLK ID Issue Type Summary of the issue
SLK-492 Bug Sherlock failed to get the External tools if the path is set to mapped drive
Bug Sherlock Crashed while getting the available memory
SLK-490 Bug FATAL: 53300: sorry, too many clients already while running the configuration files step



Version 8.0.2

This version is also embedded in the CAST AIP package (To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.0 > CAST Support Tool).
Alternatively, you may download the tool and its user guide at
It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x.

List of changes


Issue Type Summary of the issue
SLK-481     Bug Delivery folder not fetched when located in unmapped network Drive
SLK-480  Bug Sherlock includes DMTDelivery information (including source) from non-target applications
SLK-478 Bug Error while getting building summary: Could not find a part of the path
SLK-477 Bug Error during J2ee generated files gathering. (Column 'directory' does not belong to table)
SLK-472 Bug Application list is null and Sherlock is throwing Exception "Column app_id does not belong to table"
SLK-468 Bug CAST Binaries Folder path dissapeared on UI after sherlock export
SLK-466 Bug Sherlock failed with exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path
SLK-464 Improvement  Sherlock message misleading When trying to connect to a management base that no longer exist
SLK-482 Improvement Export source code option should be disabled when Configuration files option is unchecked

Version 8.0.1

This version is now embedded in the CAST AIP package (To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.0 > CAST Support Tool).

Alternatively, you may download the tool and its user guide at

It is compatible with all CAST AIP 8.0.x.

List of changes

SLK ID Issue type Summary
SLK-456  Improvement Dataflow configuration folder includes naturalmetrics and other content of LISA
SLK-457  Improvement Warning message dialogue box "Please close all the instances of CASTAIP before proceeding" to be rephrased with more information
SLK-458  Improvement Improving CAST Support Tool (CST) User Guide
SLK-450  Feature Request Sherlock zip file(s) should have .CSTExtraction as extension
 SLK-460  Feature Request Features panel - Save your features settings
SLK-441  Feature Request Sherlock does not get the Plugin folder from the Delivery Folder
SLK-452  Bug Sherlock crashes intermittently when "Export Computer Environment" option is checked
SLK-451  Bug Sherlock 8.0.a failed to fetch the deployment folder when multiple applications selected
 SLK-449  Bug  Display issue - process bar without any name appears under the Back Button
 SLK-448  Bug  Access Denied exception occurs when you select the Temporary path
 SLK-447  Bug  Access Denied exception occurs when you select the output zip file path
 SLK-454  Bug  Sherlock 8.0.a failed to fetch the SQL backup
 SLK-433  Bug  Sherlock does not work well in SQL environment
 SLK-436  Bug  Configuration Files dump usually fails 90% of time

Version 8.0.a

Download the tool and its user guide at

It is compatible with CAST AIP 8.0.x.

List of changes


Issue Type


SLK-430 Improvement Create Sherlock user guide
SLK-428 Feature Request Sherlock to fetch NaturalMetrics.datatransfer log
SLK-420 Feature Request We should raise a warning when user set the folder in a network folder
SLK-423 Bug Performance issue while running sherlock
SLK-422 Bug Sherlock does not retreived deploy folder
SLK-421 Bug Sherlock throwing exception while opening a connection profile
SLK-417 Bug Sherlock not fetching SQLtablesize file
SLK-416 Bug Error during deployment folders gathering. (More data is available)
SLK-412 Bug Error during deployment folder gathering. (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
SLK-395 Bug Export Configuration error: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
SLK-392 Bug Sherlock does not fetch CUT logs
SLK-381 Bug DB Backup: Completed Task DB Backup - 100%
SLK-367 Bug CSS Backup failed: Problem while launching process Export with CssBackup - The system cannot find the file specified
SLK-361 Bug Warning: No Log files found in Analysis Log Path from local base
SLK-357 Bug Fatal: Logs Export: Failed (click for error desc.)
SLK-354 Bug For Cast AIP other vesions - warnings about 7.0.x features should not appear
SLK-352 Bug Warning: One of more required CAST binaries are missing in out.log
SLK-350 Bug Sherlock does not retrieve the delivery folder
SLK-348 Bug The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
SLK-331 Bug Sherlock failed to copy all folders except ConfigurationFiles
SLK-444 Bug Sherlock 8.0 failed in Configuration files Export and DB Backup
SLK-445 Bug Change the Measure base to Measurement base in the Sherlock GUI


Version 8.0

This version is compatible with CAST AIP 8.0 and is now embedded in the CAST AIP package (To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > CAST 8.0 > CAST Support Tool)

It is compatible with all CAST AIP 7.3.x and 8.0.x


Issue Type


SLK-414 Bug Sherlock not fetching Logs, Backup and configuration files for CAST 8.0
SLK-425 Feature Request Sherlock should fetch the Extensions
SLK-426 Feature Request Sherlock to perform checksum on the Extensions
SLK-427 Feature Request Fetch the Extensions (Application plugins) log file
SLK-443 Feature Request Sherlock compatible with 8.0

Version 6.1

Download the tool at

List of changes

The main change is that this version is compatible with CAST AIP 7.3.

Issue Type

Delivery folder not gathered by Sherlock


Error retrieving Contents of Classpaths

Version 6.0

List of changes

The main change is that this version is compatible with CAST AIP 7.3.0

ID Issue Type Summary
SLK-349 BUG sherlock not retreiving log folder because of a special character
SLK-343 BUG Error during ANAMAN logs gathering. - Illegal characters in path.
SLK-369 BUG Missing COE configuration file
SLK-368 BUG Error while getting list of Measure Databases: CommandText property has not been initialized.
SLK-362 BUG Error: CAST-MS schema cannot be used with current CAST-MS because of version incompatibility
SLK-373 Improvement Improve the DBChecker performances by removing the check detection customer customisations and corruptions (3C tool)
SLK-370 BUG Error while getting list of Measure Databases: ExecuteReader: CommandText property has not been initialized
Version 5.3

List of changes

The main change is that this version is compatible with CAST AIP 7.2.

ID Issue Type Summary
SLK-325 BUG Backup folder contains temporary files and folders
SLK-326 BUG Error while GetReferencedClasspathJar: ORA-00920: Invalid Relational Operator
SLK-327 BUG Error while GetReferencedClasspaths: ORA-0092: Invalid Relational Operator
SLK-338 BUG Error while GetExternalTools
SLK-323 BUG Empty report Number of objects per module and per technology on knowledge base
SLK-337 Feature Request Export .PMX file for CAST 7.2
SLK-335 Feature Request Get Data flow information from LISA for each application
SLK-333 Feature Request Collect deployed folder of "AAD" in tomcat folder for CAST 7.2
SLK-332 Feature Request Backup Measure base for CAST 7.2

Version 5.2

List of changes

ID Issue Type Summary


Bug Missing analysis log file for non default log filename


Bug Failed to execute: Detect categories or types sharing the same ID. cause: ORA-00911: invalid character
SLK-293 Bug SQL Error: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CLOB


Bug The system cannot find the file specified - Configuration files export failed
SLK-303 Bug Error: Problem while executing custom query. - Line 1: Length or precision specification 0 is invalid
SLK-261 Bug Logs Export failed - could not find AnaMan.ini
SLK-281 Bug Fatal: Error during CUT Log Files gathering
SLK-119 Bug Get the jars referenced in class path
SLK-243 Bug Sherlock did not fetch the UA COE version
SLK-240 Bug Error during ZIP process : The path is too long
SLK-282 Bug Error while gathering DB Data information
SLK-280 Bug Error: Invalid log folder. - Expect to find logs at:
SLK-291 Bug non encrypted password in backup log file
SLK-122 Feature Request Get files referenced in include path for C++, Abap and Mainframe analysers
SLK-253 Feature Request Get the executable programs (like bat files) referenced in external tools jobs
SLK-238 Feature Request Getting the SQL statements from custom jobs


Improvement Add a SQL query to retrieve the number of objects contained in the application and module, per technology
SLK-286 Improvement Check if CAST-MS is still open when running Sherlock

Version 5.1

List of changes

Issue Type
SLK-266 Improvement

Collect export options selected by the customer



Fatal: The correct CAST version (7.0.11) is not installed on this computer



Invalid parameter: XML configuration file 'C:\CST_V5.0\Resources\DSS_CODE_SOURCES_DEFINITION.xml' could not be read.



Fatal: Error while getting list of associated Job Ids from App Ids: StartIndex cannot be less than zero.



Fatal: Error while GetApplicationUUID: StartIndex cannot be less than zero

Bug Not Fixed with a workaround

Error: Problem while executing SqlServerBackup: - Timeout expired.

Workaround: This issue arises when multiple KB & CB are used. As a workaround, run SHERLOCK for one application at a time.

Version 5.0

List of changes

Issue type
SLK-161 Improvement

Request to include check as mentioned in : http://confluence/display/PTKB/Checking+corruptions+in+KB#CheckingcorruptionsinKB-Checks in sherlock

SLK-246 Improvement

Options : Allow export Source code

SLK-146 Improvement

Get the PrecompiledHeader.cpp file for CPP analyzer

SLK-224 Improvement

Contrex Beta4: Add queries on management base in 3C checker

SLK-164 Improvement

Snapshot history: calculate the snpashots duration

SLK-191 Improvement

Contrex - Get the AMT trace files

SLK-230 Improvement

Contrex : retrieve discovery log file

SLK-231 Improvement

Contrex Retrieve analysis execution summary log file

SLK-163 Improvement

Retrieve the AD Productivity file

SLK-250 Improvement

Add into 3C references to services packs 7.0.16 and 7.0.17

SLK-46 Improvement

Retrieve the file CAST.DB2.MANIFEST

SLK-205 Feature Request

Do not export DSS_CODE_SOURCES unless authorized by the customer!

SLK-153 Feature Request

Check that objects with cyclomatic complexity have a value

SLK-126 Feature Request

User input security diags: query result

SLK-148 Feature Request

Detect inconstancy in the metamodel

SLK-212 Feature Request

Get the CUT logfiles

SLK-215 Feature Request

Add a report on some SqlServer parameters

SLK-50 Feature Request

Get the DB2 z/OS filter

SLK-211 Feature Request

Have multiple zips inside the principale zip to faster the unzip process

SLK-216 Bug

ERROR: 42703: column "idobjpmc" does not exist, while getting analysis log file for contrex

SLK-222 Bug

Contrex beta4: Architecture checker model is not retrieved

SLK-226 Bug

Contrex Beta4 Failed to connect to SqlServer or Oracle RDBMS

SLK-228 Bug

Contrex Beta4: Application list is empty on case sensitive SQLServer

SLK-247 Bug

Postamble analysis log file not retrieved

SLK-219 Bug

Could not get assessment model when Management base and Central base are on different host or different RDBMS

SLK-223 Bug

Contrex Beta4: missing queries results in 3C checker results

SLK-221 Bug

Contrex beta4 : Fails to backup CSS2.0 databases

SLK-218 Bug

Could not get assessment model when CSS is not using the default port

SLK-217 Bug

Missing servman.log when CAST-MS log root directory is defined

SLK-242 Bug

Could not find a part of the path in configurationfiles\Deployment

SLK-183 Bug

Architecture Checker model files not retrieved for 7.0.7 version and before

SLK-233 Bug

Central with duplicated SITE_ID are not detected on CSS management base

SLK-225 Bug

Contrex beta4: 3C consistency checker find lot of 'Error Check Metrics Proc'

SLK-220 Bug

Only the one assessment model is retrieved when management base is using several central schemas

SLK-229 Bug

Empty migration history report on case sensitive SQL Server

SLK-200 Bug

User defined log file path is anaman is not detected by sherlock

SLK-245 Bug

Fatal: Error during Environement profile files gathering. - The filename or extension is too long

Version 4.2

List of changes

Issue Type


Improvement Report errors and warnings encountered in Sherlock other log files into Out.log file


Improvement Improve the output folder for CAST-MS-generated.uaxselection from LISA: put the file under a folder with application name

Version 4.1

List of changes

ID Issue Type Summary
SLK-81 Feature Request Retrieve CAST-MS-generated.uaxselection from LISA
SLK-140 Feature Request Backup SqlServer Databases
SLK-145 Feature Request Summary on analysis jobs and their duration
SLK-79 Improvement DB Checker: add SQL query to retreive number of objects contained in the application module, per technology 
SLK-90 Improvement Get the database collation for SQL Server
SLK-101 Improvement Add SQL query to detect duplicated Delivery units (corruption)
SLK-107 Improvement Get SYS_SITE content in KBs, Centrals and Management repositories
SLK-112 Improvement Check the consistency in the DSS_METRIC_RESULTS
SLK-113 Improvement Get the AMT trace files
SLK-121, SLK-106 Improvement MNGT databases corruption detection
SLK-129 Improvement Add corruption detection on KB between ANAJOB and KEYS to 3C
SLK-130 Improvement Getting customisations in the CENTRAL assessment model
SLK-131 Improvement Get UA COE version
SLK-141 Improvement Keep the sherlock working folder when it is not the default folder
SLK-186 Improvement Get the logs from the selected application only
SLK-193 Improvement Get the installed version by reading the CW.BIN file
SLK-197 Improvement Filter and get Dataflow files only for selected applications
SLK-204 Improvement Add into 3C references to service packs 13 14 and 15
SLK-206 Improvement Error: Invalid log folder when there are several temporary folders for a user
SLK-185 Bug Remove the duplicated sub directories in LOGS directory 
SLK-196 Bug Application list is empty for case sensitive SQL Server management base

Version 3.1

List of changes:


Issue Type




Job exports leads to the error: "String cannot be of zero length. Parameter name: OldValue"

SLK-103 Bug Computer environment files Export Failed: "Problem during LISA and LTSA size processing The specified path, file name, or both are too long."
SLK-105 Bug Invalid dll scripts for Oracle databases backup. Restored objects are invalid due to " /" at the end of the code.
SLK-116 Bug "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist when getting DSS_HISTORY content on KB"
SLK-117 Bug Could not retrieve the KB dump: "connection to database "postgres" failed: server closed the connection unexpectedly"
SLK-118 Bug Oracle restore failed for tables with numeric columns. The first row with a decimal separator stop the process of importing data in the table.
SLK-124 Bug SQLTableSize folder is empty in the provided sherlock when extension is in uppercase
SLK-125 Bug BACKUP folder is empty for applications in 7.0.7 version and version 7.0.8 not installed
SLK-132 Bug Export dump and jobs fails for mixed platforms as CSS management and oracle KB: "connection to database "postgres" failed: server closed the connection unexpectedly"
SLK-133 Bug The export of logs and jobs fails on SqlServer : "Error while getting list of LOCAL Databases: Invalid object name"
SLK-151 Bug Error while loading application list : "Column delivery_id does not belong to table"
SLK-128 Improvement Sherlock logs.log : add the type name of jobtyp and typdsc

Bug Not Fixed with a workaround

Anaman job not getting exported : "Bad Knowledge Base release".

Workaround : Remove the ANAMAN_EXPORT.exe in the cast installation folder and launch again Sherlock.

Version 3.0

List of changes:


Issue Type



Feature Request

Get UA installed languages


Feature Request

Get the CAST Installation configuration directory content files


Feature Request

Get the environment profiles


Feature Request

Get the CAST Script Custom Library


Feature Request

Get Documents and Settings files


Feature Request

Get File System information


Feature Request

Get Operating System information


Feature Request

Get the number of dynamics links


Feature Request

Get the Oracle user privileges


Feature Request

Check if statistics have been ran and when on databases


Feature Request

Retrieve the architecture checker model file associated with the delivery unit


Feature Request

Retrieve the *.SQLTABLESIZE file



Add the Sherlock version to the Sherlock log files



Retrieve the J2ee generated files



Add a Sherlock Readme to the tool delivery



Retrieve C++ preprocessed file



KB not exported in the provided CST: Error while gathering DB Data information



Error: "Problem while executing custom query while executing DBChecker"



Database export fails with ORA-31603 error



Missing report for DSS_HISTORY content on Oracle or SqlServer platforms



Could not perform oracle export due to missing enough user rights



Fatal: Error while getting list of associated Job Ids from App Ids: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist



Warning when exporting Oracle KB: Unexpected message. - Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

Version 2.3

List of changes:


Issue Type




When exporting jobs, crash with following error message: "Unexpected error during Job Export processing – Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types"

Version 2.2

List of changes:


Issue Type




Oracle dump file: the alter.sql contains the original schema name



Unclear warning which should also be an error msg. Log folder empty : Warning: Invalid log folder. - Folder does not exist: V:\Implementation\Log. Please make sure you have disk-mapping (substr), network-mapping, or have not moved the log folder.



AnaMan job export failed in 7.0.8



Being able to sort the list of Connections (Name, Server, etc.)



Allow completing an existing Sherlock zip



Get PostgreSQL configuration parameters



Missing oracle packages in Oracle extraction



Get logfiles located in the path given in CASTglobalSettings.ini file



Retrieve indexes's status and uniquness



Improve the warning ''Object not found in schema. Please verify authentication information'; no import should be performed in such case



Getting ServMan.castlog



Do not export .idx logfile



Add the content of DSS_HISTORY for Local and Central and identify the slowest queries



Getting log file when using macros in the filename in AnaMan

Version 2.1

Intermediate internal version.

Version 2.0

The major enhancement of version 2.0 is the full export of the Oracle databases (KB/Central/MNGT). It also includes Bug fixing from v1.0.

Version 1.0

Initial version. To summarize, the tool allows us, so far, to retrieve the following input for the application(s) you will select:

  • Log files
  • Job exports
  • Databases exports: KB, Central, and Management in Oracle, CSS and SQLServer.
  • Database Consistency checker
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