
This field is filled by the CAST Technical Support engineer in charge of the ticket, when solving it. It provides the reason for solving the issue.

Abandoned by Requester: if the Requester did not reply to Support's request, the ticket is automatically closed (Ticket Statuses) with this reason.

Expected behavior: The Product provides the expected functional behavior. 

Not Reproduced by Requester: In case CAST Technical Support does not reproduce the reported issue, CAST Technical Support will ask the Requester to perform again the same actions, in order to confirm if the issue still persists at their end. If the Requester does not confirm the issue, the ticket will be closed with this reason.

Out Of Scope: The issue is not in the Scope of CAST Technical Support (beta, alpha, customization), or the correction is too costly compare to the benefit, or does not meet CAST functional target.

Temporary Solution: CAST Technical Support has provided a temporary solution. 

Permanent Solution: CAST Technical Support has provided a permanent solution. 


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