AIP Extensions and new "Functional releases"

With the launch of AIP 8.0, we introduce a new way to provide functional extensions to AIP. Extensions are for example:

  • New analyzers for technologies like HTML5, AngularJS
  • Support for new frameworks like .NET WCF and WPF
  • Support for additional technologies like PHP and RPG
  • Updates to Delivery Manager Tool (DMT) to support additional code repositories like Git.

All these Extensions can be downloaded and installed using the new Extension Downloader which comes with AIP 8.0 (screenshot below). 


What are "Functional Releases"?

Extensions are not part of the AIP platform releases so they can be released independently and more frequently. This makes it possible to update them quickly based on customer needs. These intermediate updates are called "Functional Releases."

The benefit is that Functional Releases provide early access to improvements in the extensions. However, any bugs will only be fixed in later functional releases which include functional changes that can change the measurement results. In other words, there are no 'service pack' updates for Functional Releases. This should be taken into consideration before deciding to deploy a functional release in production.

In addition to the Functional Releases, extensions will also have Long-Term Support versions available, and for these, issues will be fixed in service pack updates, like for the AIP platform. 


The new Extension Downloader in AIP 8.0

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