Health Dashboard - Tags - Unable to add tags and categories in health dashboard due to error "something went wrong while trying to save"


This page will guide you to solve the error "something went wrong while trying to save" encountered while trying to add tags and categories in health dashboard.

For more information refer Health Dashboard tag and category management



Support for Dashboard version


1.x Yes
2.x Yes



  1. Navigate to health dashboard category and tag management page by using the  below links based on mode of deployment.
    WAR 1.x and 2.x :http://<server>:<port>/CAST-Health/static/tags.html
    ZIP/JAR ≥ 2.x   : http://<server>:<port>/static/tags.html
  2. Try to add new categories and tags or tags to existing categories.
  3. Update the tag or category name and click on save.
  4. Observe below error while trying to save.


 This error occurs when there is mismatch in values of sequences dir_tags_id_seq, dir_categories_id_seq associated with tables "dir_tags" and "dir_categories".

 Perform below steps to reset the sequence to appropriate values.

  1. Connect to pgadmin.
  2.  Run the below  queries on measure schema to determine the maximum id from "dir_tags" table and last_value from sequence "dir_tag_seq" 

    select max(id) from dir_tags
    select last_value from dir_tags_id_seq


  3. If there is mismatch in maximum id and last_value, run the below query to modify the last value of sequence number. 

    ALTER SEQUENCE dir_tags_id_seq RESTART WITH <maximum id value from dir_tags>


  4. Determine the maximum id from "dir_categories" table and last_value from sequence "dir_categories_id_seq"

    select max(id)from dir_categories
    select last_value from dir_categories_id_seq


  5. If there is mismatch in maximum id and last_value, run the below query to modify the last value of sequence number. 

    ALTER SEQUENCE dir_categories_id_seq RESTART WITH <maximum id value from dir_categories>


  6. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support with the Health Dashboard - Tags - Unable to add tags and categories in health dashboard due to error "something went wrong while trying to save"#Relevant input in order to reproduce the issue.   



Relevant input

  • Screenshot of AAD with URL showing the issue
  • CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock export with the following options CAST Bases Checker, Export Logs, Export Configuration files, Export Computer Environment, Export CAST Bases with Management Base, Knowledge Base, Central base, Measurement Base and CAST HD/ED Folder. 






Ticket # 44252





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