24 hours after a ticket has been Solved by CAST Technical Support, you will receive an automatic email inviting you to rate the service you have received:
Note that only CAST Customers can rate tickets, CAST Technical Support or CAST Consultants can't.
To provide your feedback:
- You may click on Good, I’m satisfied. In such a case, you will also be able to add a comment:
- You may click on Bad, I’m unsatisfied. In such case, you will be invited to choose a reason explaining your dissatisfaction and add a comment about the quality of support you received in the free text box below:
Selecting a reason and add a comment are optional.
- Save your feedback by clicking on Update.
- You can change your rating by clicking the emailed link again or by accessing the ticket through the My activities page in Help Center, then resubmitting your response. Ratings can be changed until the ticket is Closed.