CAST Imaging - Installation and update process - Fatal Error - ImagingSystemSetup.exe is not running

This page helps you to resolve the issue during installation of Imaging setup.












CSS  (tick)




Imaging version Yes/No
2.x (tick)



Step by Step scenario

  1. Try to run ImagingSystemSetup.exe
  2. Observed the error


Action Plan

If you are getting the above error while running ImagingSystemSetup.exe then please note the below points:

  1. Note that Imaging System can only be installed on  Windows (directly or via Docker) or Linux (via Docker).
  2. Please see the following for the current software pre-requisites: Software requirements for CAST Imaging for detailed information.
  3. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input 


Relevant input


Ticket # 17284




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