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CAST Imaging - 2.15 Release

Release Date: 25 Jan 2023
We are happy to announce the release of CAST Imaging 2.15-funcrel

We look forward to your insightful feedback and suggestions for the new features and improvements as they will enable us to offer a better customer experience.

Please share your feedback here: Feedback

New Features:

 Insights for your application objects (Structural Flaws/Cloud Ready Blockers/Containerization Blockers)

The Legends panel now includes a new tab called "Insights," which allows users to view an object's critical violations, Cloud ready blockers, and so on. When a specific type of insight is selected, the objects in the view having these insights are highlighted. Selecting the highlighted objects will then display information about the object's specific flaw or blockers.

Welcome Page - Third Party Components upgrade.

The new Third Party Components Upgrade Tile on the Welcome page makes it possible for you to identify any outdated or obsolete components in your application and to plan upgrades accordingly.

 Investigate menu - Tabular view.

Users can now switch to a tabular view in Investigate view > Graph Options to display the contents of the current view in table format. The following details will be shown in the table: Name, type, number of children, and external type of the object.

Display of the source code in a pop-up window

To enable users to examine source code in a new pop-up window, a new icon has been added to the source code viewer tab.

 Config Centre - Manage Application Level-5 nodes.

A new feature called "Config Centre" has been added (available to users with the admin or architect roles) that allows you to hide/unhide nodes available in level 5 - for example, nodes that you may not be interested in, or that are isolated and provide no value. Tenants and associated applications can be selected in the Config Centre, and then the corresponding level-5 nodes of the selected application are listed and can be shown/hidden individually or in group/s. After performing the action (hide), the nodes will no longer be visible in the view for all users, and this applies to levels 1 through 4.

Admin page - Source code data source

Users (Admin/Super admin) are now able to see and change existing datasources from the admin page in addition to adding new ones.

Imaging Advisor (BETA)
Note: This is a beta feature and is limited to applications containing Mainframe code with limited use cases available for now.
Information on your application's readiness for a move to a cloud provider, such as AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, or GCP (Google Cloud Platform), is provided via Imaging Advisor, which is accessible from the Welcome page

 Feature Enhancements:

  • Red has been replaced with blue as the colour for node selection, hover, and highlight.
  • The "Application Info" part of the Welcome Page now includes the version date.
  • A shortcut ALT+R can now be used for reverse selection in graphical view. On pressing ALT+R the selected nodes would get unselected whereas the remaining nodes would get selected on the canvas.
  • The zoom level set by users in the view is now maintained and reflected in the "vignette" as well as the main view on drilling down and closing the objects/sub-objects view.
  • The "Document" functionality, which enables users to annotate chosen views, nodes, or objects, has been renamed to "Annotations."
  • Custom aggregation search has been improved, now you can search for multiple objects at once.
  • To improve visibility, toast messages are now shown at the top of the screen in the centre. These pop-up notifications used to appear in the bottom right corner.
  • The existing Show Callees and Show Path options on the view have been renamed Highlight Callee and Highlight Path and moved to the right click contextual menu. In addition, a new option called Highlight Caller has been added to the contextual menu alongside the other two options. These three options are available in Imaging on all scopes and levels.
  • An icon/badge is now displayed on objects or nodes to indicate that an annotation is associated with the object.
  • Custom aggregation search has been enhanced so that you can now search for multiple objects at the same time.

Extend URL

Docker Images (Tag - 2.15.1)

Reference Document


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