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CAST Imaging - 2.7 release

CAST Product team is happy to release a new version of CAST Imaging.
What's new:
  • New Report generation: you can now extract data to gain insight about the application. a focus on database, transaction, datacall graph or modules.
  • Application 2 Application view : You can now search applications to reduce the size of view for your investigation in communications between a set of applications only. From these apps, you can continue to discover how your application interact with other apps.
  • Transactions content : 2 new options added to help reduce the size of a transaction
    • reduced call graph : to highlight only paths between input and output objects
    • main objects only : to remove some objects like paragraph or methods and keep links between caller and callee. This feature is more accurate in mainframe architecture context.
  • Internal search for objects in a view can be done on multiple objects at a time
  • SVG format is now supported for export of the graph. This option will allow you to export only the nodes and links from the view
  • Now, numbers for add callers/callees when selecting an object is only from callers/callees which are not yet displayed in the view
Docker Images - (Tag - 2.7.0), Be careful, there is a new version of installer !! 

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