FollowCAST Imaging - 2.6 release
Release date: Sep 17th 2021
Product team is super happy to announce new CAST Imaging release available with many new capabilities. Always focusing on your feedback and requirements with a focus on performance and simplification to better visualize your critical IT Systems.
Application 2 Application dependencies view is now officially part of the product ending beta period. Thanks for all participation to the progress of this capability. We are going to continue to invest time to provide more and more features in it.
What has been included:
- Rules mechanism to manage false links with import/export options
- Object export capabilities
Node Positioning - Keep understanding your graphical organization of components !
During your navigation in CAST Imaging, one challenge of graphical display was about automatic repositioning of objects in the canvas when adding new objects. Now, all objects will not move anymore when you add new other caller or callee objects.
Identify Transactions and Data Call Graph
New filtering options are now there to help identifing transaction based on Input or Output types with a specific filtering available on transactions doing insert, update or select on tables
Let yourself guided during your architecture investigation
When discovering components and architecture of your application, you can now discover which transaction or data call graph is going through this component your are focusing on. Let's open the properties panel of your object and switch to the transaction to understand how is positioning your specific component in it. It works also if your object is part of a saved view or Data Call graph
- Remove object feature available from any views
- Undo: Stabilization and working more globally
Technologies Update
- for SAP application, automatic view generated with component grouped by ABAP Packages. Available in Perspective dropdown (from Custom Aggregation view)
- Better organization of objects for MEAN stack in Taxonomy (levels view)
Release Note -
Extend url -
Docker Images - (Tag - 2.6.0)
What's cooking:
- More options in the UI to filter applications in the Application to Application dependencies view
- Continue to improve the Transaction filtering capabilities
- Automatic reports (extraction of data in excel format)
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