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AIP Console 1.24.0 funcrel is now available on CAST Extend

We are happy to announce that AIP Console 1.24.0 funcrel has been released and is available on the CAST Extend portal!
Notable changes in that version are:
  • Admin can upgrade schema and delivery folder to a newer version of AIP Core directly from within the GUI.
  • The ISO-5055 Index extension is now automatically installed with every Application.
  • The Check overlapping objects function has been ported to Architecture Studio.
  • The user experience has been improved in the Architecture Studio editor by allowing user to add new elements faster.
  • In application's Overview page, the technology view has been replaced by a treemap depicting the number of files in technologies and a list of discovered frameworks.
  • The Run Analysis dialog and some Configuration pages, like Modules and Architecture, have been improved with regards to usability.
  • Data entity built-in parameters are now available in the Transactions/Rules page.
  • Bugs have been fixed.
  • and much more!
To find out more, visit the Release Notes!

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