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CAST Management Studio GUI will be deprecated - starting AIP Core 8.3.53

CAST Management Studio is no longer required to onboard and analyze applications. Console v2 covers most of the needed features and the remaining will be covered in the coming 7 months. Hence, there is no more reason to maintain CMS and to support it. As a result, starting from the CAST AIP Core 8.3.53, the release notes marked it as Deprecated and CAST Management Studio User Interface will be retired from AIP Core in April 2024.

If you have any concerns or questions, do not hesitate to come back to me.

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Hi Gabriel,

Thank you for your message.

As written above, the Console covers the features required to configure and to run an analysis. We advise you to use CAST Imaging Console to onboard your application or to manage the existing applications you analyzed via CAST Manamgement Studio. The following page describe how to import applications from CAST Management Studio to your Console :

If you are planning to upgrade your CAST AIP 8.3 to higher version where CAST-MS is not delivered, you should use CAST Imaging Console, latest release, to manage your applications.

Do not hesitate to come back to us if any other question.

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Hi Samy, we are using CAST AIP 8.3.4 in our machine and we are utilizing it to analyze various applications. With your above information shared, what action we need to be done on our end in order to continue to analyze our applications? Thank you in advance.

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