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CAST Imaging 2.17.0-Funcrel Release

Release Date: 05 July 2023
We are happy to announce the release of Imaging 2.17-Funcrel

We look forward to your insightful feedback and suggestions for the new features and improvements as they will enable us to offer a better customer experience.

Please share your feedback here: Feedback

New Features:

Get Start and End Points: A new feature called "Get Start and Endpoints" now shows under "Graph Navigation" in the right-click context menu. The start points and endpoints feature aids software developers in determining the extent of the regression that must be conducted as part of the impact analysis that must be carried out by making it possible to view every start point and end point connected to the selected element. When integrating an element into larger connections or interacting with other elements or software systems, understanding an element’s endpoints and start points also aids in identifying the appropriate connections or interactions.

Project Structure: A dedicated view called "Project Structure" now shows on the welcome page. Software developers can explore and navigate the project structure, find files, and understand the general architecture with greater ease. It promotes effective teamwork and makes it possible for team members to work together on shared files, quickly identify which files belong to which project, and understand how changes they make will impact other parts of the project. A project may also be arranged according to a feature or business area. This view makes it easier for architects to see adherence to other projects and locate potential bottlenecks and make informed decisions about restructuring or refactoring the project.

Database Structure - A dedicated view called "Database Structure" now shows on the welcome page. Software developers can more effectively work with data when they have access to this dedicated view that explains the structure and organization of the data, including the primary keys, foreign keys, and types of linkages between different tables. When modernizing a database or moving from one system to another this view also makes it easier for architects to evaluate the current schema and identify areas that need modification or optimization.

Classes Inheritance - Access to a dedicated view with details on class inheritance now shows on the welcome page. Software developers benefit from having access to this view because it makes it easier for them to understand the parent-child relationships and the inheritance of attributes and behaviors. This functionality would also facilitate architects to evaluate the seamless integration of legacy code with modern tools, frameworks, and architecture.

Open-Source Safety Insights – Gain insights into any potentially vulnerable third-party components utilized in your application and investigate how they adhere to other components. You should also plan your updates by knowing the release frequency of the third-party components and identifying any gaps. Imaging now gives you recommendations for the version that is closest to being safe to use or even knows what version is the safest.

Feature Enhancements:

Call Hierarchy – Call Hierarchy feature has been enhanced to provide additional capabilities for impact analysis.

  • The user can see the maximum depth that is accessible for the caller and the callees for the specified object.
  • Call hierarchy can now be displayed according to callers, callees, or both callers and callees.
  • The user may now opt to see all objects in a call hierarchy for a certain object.
  • The results display all external objects, main objects, and sub-objects connected to the specified object.

Path Finder – The target object selection process has been made simpler with enhancements to the Path Finder feature.

  • By default, the result displays a list of all target objects, but the user can filter the results based on Start Points, End Points, Callers, and Callees.
  • The maximum number of hops between the source and target objects is considered, and external objects, main objects, and sub-objects are always displayed in the results.
  • The user can select to load All Paths or Shortest Path depending on their needs.

Imaging Advisor (Beta) – Insights for AWS and Oracle Cloud

  • Move to AWS – Few insights available for IBM z/OS Mainframe.
  • Move to Oracle Cloud – Few insights available for moving on-prem Oracle dB to Oracle Cloud

Right Panel – Enhancements

  • The count appears for each object and sub-objects.
  • The right panel has been enhanced to show details segregated at the view level and object level. By default, view-level details are displayed (View Annotation and annotations associated with all objects in the view/Tags associated with all objects in the view/Insights) and when the user selects an object, the user can see object-specific details in the right panel (Annotations/Tags/Source Code/Properties)
  • Module name and service name tags are now displayed on the right panel, where appropriate. This will enable the user to highlight any relevant objects on the display that are linked to a specific module or service.

Transactions – Enhancements to simplify complex transactions.

  • Loading of complex transactions with more than 500 objects has been simplified to provide progressive loading; initially, only the start points, end points, and one level of objects are displayed. The user can then update to load more objects and move on to display a reduced call graph before a full call graph.
  • An additional filter is also available to filter transactions/data call graphs based on Level 5 object types.

Reports Enhancements

  • A new report shows the number of transactions connected by the data source. This will make it easier to identify the key data sources for use cases involving modernization.
  • Export All objects and links now have a new column "Access Link Type" providing information about links between objects.

Search For Objects in View - When the user searches for objects in the canvas using the object search bar, the searched objects are highlighted with a pulse effect and the searched objects are persisted.

Source Code Viewer - In the source code viewer on selecting any variable or object name, all the occurrences will be selected/highlighted in that view. Also, the user can view the complete source code at once.

Saved Views- Enhancements based on user feedback.

  • The UI display (Stay in this view) and (Go to saved view) for the save dialog and when the user navigates to Saved View `save view` text is updated to update the view.
  • Saved Views - Rename and Ungroup - In Saved Views, Rename and Ungroup options are available for grouped nodes.

User Preferences -

  • User can configure the object name length to be displayed on UI.
  • The Preferred Graph Layout item in Preferences now offers the new "Automatic" layout as an option. All scopes and views that determine the optimum layout for your graph now automatically select this option as the layout. However, the user has the flexibility to change the preferred layout as per required.

APIs Inventory- As a user, this is to view different types of APIs used in the application so that I can identify the APIs access in my application and secure application interactions. We support various filters on Access Types (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE) & API Types (Public/Private)

Shortcut keys information - A new panel has been provided (accessible from the user profile menu > Shortcut keys) that lists all shortcut keys available in CAST Imaging and where and how they can be used. In addition, two new shortcut keys have been added: 1. Select all: ALT+A, 2. Open global search: CTRL + /.

Note: For Imaging Upgrade using Windows Installer:
The upgrade installer will update the "%APPDATA%CASTImagingSystemimagingserviceimagingservice.bat" and "%APPDATA%CASTImagingSystemimagingserviceimagingetl.bat" files and create "imagingservice.json" and "imagingetl.json" files (in the same folder) containing all customizable options when upgrading from a previous release of CAST Imaging using the conventional Windows installer .Any customizations you had previously made to the "imagingservice.bat"'s -LOG_LEVEL, -AUDIT_TRAIL, and -LOGGER_TIMEOUT options will be lost as a result of this change and will need to be configured again in the new.json files.
(Docker installation is not impacted

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Docker Images (Tag - 2.17.0)

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