CAST Console - Upgrade - An already updated application is indicated to be updated to a more recent version of CAST AIP

This Page will help to resolve the message to update an application in AIP Console, which is already updated.


Observed in CAST Version



>=1.19.0 (tick)



Action Plan

A. First we need to verify if the version of CAST AIP Core for the application in CAST AIP Console is updated in the H2 DB "APPLICATION" Table in AIP Node.

For which we will perform the below steps:

1. Please go to the <AIP Node installation path>\admin\ and double click on run-h2-console.bat 

2. The JDBC URL field should already be populated with the correct URL to access the H2 Java database, However, you can check whether this is correct by opening the file and then searching for the line spring.datasource.url:

3. Run the below query in the H2 database query panel: 


here in the row fetched we need to check the 


4.  If CAIP_VERSION  is a lower version than the current version available and UPGRADE_AVAILABLE is true, it means CAIP_VERSION column is not updated in the Application table in Node db for the App. 


B. To correct this:

You can do a delete with the KeepData option followed by an import to attempt to clear this up.

  1. The delete CLI is shown in the documentation here (again make sure you use the KeepData option):  Delete an Application via CLI
  2.  The import is shown in the documentation here in step 3:  Import an Application managed with CAST Management Studio into AIP Console



Relevant Input

If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed on this page, report your problem to CAST Technical Support and provide the below Relevant input for CAST Technical Support to reproduce the issue.

  • Screenshot of the version.xml file for the application for which the issue is reported.
  • Provide us with the latest zip file from the path below to investigate further in to the issue.
    <AIP Console Data path>\backup\h2\
    <AIP Node Data path>\backup\h2\
  • Screenshot of issue with detailed explanation of the problem
  • Version of the AIP Console used as well as CAST AIP
  • CMSAPI logs located here:  <AIP_console_installation>\AipNode\data\logs\cmsapi\
  • WEBI logs located here:  <AIP_console_installation>\AIPConsole\data\logs\


Ticket #30582





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