CAST Console - Extend - Offline extend - Unable to update new extensions to the offline extend service

When uploading new extensions to the Offline Extend Service, you may see the below error -


This page will help you upload new Extensions to the Offline Extend Service when you come across the error.  





1.12.x (tick)
1.11.x (tick)






Oracle Server  N/A
Microsoft SQL Server N/A 



Step by Step scenario

  1. Follow the below page to update new extensions to the Offline Extend Service - Update CAST Extend Offline with new content


Action Plan

Please follow the below steps to solve the issue 

  1. Download the required .nupkg files from the CAST Extend URL
  2. Copy the downloaded .nupkg files to the path <ExtendService Installation>\data\PACKAGES\

  3. Once the files are copied restart the CAST_ExtendService & the AIP Node and AIP Console Services as well for the updated Extensions to be reflected in AIP Console.

The issue is permanently fixed in CAST Offline Extend service 1.0.0 funcrel

If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant inputfor CAST Technical Support to investigate further.


Relevant input


Ticket # 20454




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