CAST Console - Extend - Error - Unable to Update Extension after Upgrading Console >1.25.x - The operation has timed out


After upgrading to AIP Console > 1.25x, when trying to download an extension, it gives the error -

INF: 2021-09-03 12:45:51: Downloading extension 'com.castsoftware.JEE-MavenHttp.4.1.0'
The operation has timed out.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at System.Net.WebClient.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadBits(WebRequest request, Stream writeStream)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
at ExtendCli.Core.Apis.BaseExtendApi.GetJsonFromQuery[T](Uri uri, String apiKey)
at ExtendCli.Core.Apis.ExtendPackageApi.GetPackages(String id, String apiKey)
at ExtendCli.Core.Packaging.AmbitPackageResolver.GetApiPackages(String id)
at ExtendCli.Core.Packaging.AmbitPackageResolver.ResolveDependencyTree(String id, String version, Boolean skipDependencies)
at ExtendCli.Core.Packaging.PackageManager.InstallPackage(String id, String version, IPackageSearchOptions options)
at ExtendCli.Cli.Commands.InstallCommand.OnExecute(CommandLineApplication cmd)






>1.25.x (tick)






Oracle Server  N/A
Microsoft SQL Server  N/A



Step by Step scenario

  1. Upgrade AIP Console to a version > 1.25.x
  2. Update any extension.


Action Plan

The above messages indicate that, AIP Console 1.25 is not able to install/update the extensions as there is a firewall blocking the Extend program.

To make sure that there is no firewall blocking the process, you need to open the firewall for the Extend CLI program in the path - 

<AIP Node Installation path>/AIP Node/bin/ExtendCli

There are several ways to open the firewall for a program. We have provided one example here. 

Using Windows Defender Firewall: 

Perform the below steps - 

  1. Open Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security


        2. Click on Inbound Rules >> New Rule 


         3. Select Rule Type as Program and click Next 


        4. Give the path to the Extend CLI from the AIP Node 


      5. You can allow the connection, Apply it to your respective domain, provide a name for the rule and click on Finish to create the Rule. After which you can try to update your extensions to see if the issue exists. 

      6. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input for CAST Technical Support to carry out further investigation.


Relevant input

  • CAST AIP Console Logs from the AIP Console and AIP Node folder
  • Detail of proxy configuration done
  • Any applicable screenshots from AIP Console
  • Extension Update Logs from Console.






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