In CAST AIP Console 1.27.0, it is observed that, post-installation of CAST AIP Console Embedded Dashboard, referring to the page: Embedded CAST Dashboard deployment process
integrated EH dashboards installation failed to create the service properly.
AIP Platform
CAST AIP 8.3 |
AIP Console Version |
Yes/No |
AIP Console 1.27.0 |
Action Plan
Below are the steps needed to solve this issue:
- Navigate to path : <download_area>\com.castsoftware.aip.console.<version>-funcrel\cast-integrated-health-engineering-dashboard-<jar_version>
- Open the file dashboard-service-install.bat
Change the bat file, so that these lines replace the prior ones in the *.bat file now (using the proper jar file for the console version being used):
set SERVICE_NAME=dashboard-service
set DISPLAY_NAME="CAST Dashboard Service"
set DESCRIPTION="CAST Dashboard Service"
set START_CLASS=org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher
set STOP_CLASS=java.lang.System
set JAR_PATH="%WORKING_PATH%\cast-integrated-health-engineering-dashboard-<JAR_VERSION_TO_BE UPDATED>.jar"
- Apply the above changes, save the file and run the dashboard-service-install.bat file.
- Launch the services for the embedded dashboard from the services.
- If you are still facing the issue , report the issue to CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant input for CAST Technical Support to reproduce the issue.
Related Pages
For the CAST AIP Console Embedded Dashboard, please see this page: Embedded CAST Dashboard deployment process
For more information on specific issues related to the dashboard operation and configuration not related to AIP Console, please see the following pages: