CAST Console - Running AIP Console/Node Services - The Console does not indicate when the service is down

When the AIP Console service is down, there is no information about this on the GUI and the AIP Console URL still works from the cache.





1.16 (tick)
1.15 (tick)
1.14 (tick)
1.13 (tick)
1.12 (tick)






Oracle Server  N/A
Microsoft SQL Server  N/A



Step by Step scenario

  1. Stop the Console service from the services tab.   


           a. Before you shut down the service, AIP Console GUI looks like this 


          b. After you shut down the service, the Console appears as shown below 


    2. The console still keeps running from the Cache.

    3. After bringing the service back, the user is forced to refresh the screen, to get back to the login page. 


Action Plan

Perform the below actions

  1. As a workaround, you need to perform a hard reset of the browser to see if the console is still running.
  2. If the above steps do not solve your issue, contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant inputfor CAST Technical Support to carry out further investigation.

From version AIP Console 1.17, the GUI will display a warning symbol if the AIP Node is not responding or the connection has been lost.


Relevant input


Ticket # 20998




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