CAST Console - AIP Console Tools - Jenkins plugin - Console URL not accessible using Jenkins Plugin

This page will help you to solve problems related to the error "ERROR: Unable to access to AIP Console at the following URL : https://<hostname>:8080",  which may happen while accessing the AIP Console URL from the Jenkins.

The Jenkins plugin allows you to automate some parts of using AIP Console, like delivering source code, running an application analysis, or generating a snapshot through Jenkins.


Unable to send request unable to find valid certification path to requested target





Caused: PKIX path building failed




AIP Platform


CAST AIP 8.3 (tick) 


AIP Console Version Yes/No
AIP Console 1.8.x  or greater (tick)



Step By Step Scenario

If you see an error while accessing the AIP Console URL from the Jenkins like "ERROR: Unable to access to AIP Console at the following URL : https://<hostname>:8080",  this is usually due to some sort of configuration issue, so verify your configuration.







Action Plan

To solve this issue:

    1. Please check the Jenkins file to see the Java being used by the Jenkins hosted on your server and import the certificate to that Java Keystore using below steps:
    2. Check if you are using a self-signed certificate or a CA-signed certificate?
    3. if it is a self signed certificate, then you need to import the certificate to the trusted Keystore of the JVM used by Jenkins, and then you will have to restart the Jenkins.

To import the certificate, please follow the steps from page: SSL Certificates - How to import certificate into JRE 


Ticket # 31400

 SSL Certificates - How to import certificate into JRE 


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