When running a command like the following with AIP Console tools with many jobs running concurrently:
java -jar %AIPCONSOLE_TOOLS_PATH%aip-console-tools-cli.jar AddVersion -s %AIP_CONSOLE_SITE% --apikey=%AIP_CONSOLE_API_KEY% --file=%FILE_PATH% --app-name=%APPNAME% --auto-create --rescan --enable-security-dataflow
The following error is seen
2021-01-13 10:53:32.954 - INFO --- Searching for application 'XXX' on AIP Console
2021-01-13 10:55:02.971 -ERROR --- Unable to send request
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: timeout
The issue occurs when there are many jobs being run simultaneously so that the job times out before it can be run. To resolve, you can add the option: --timeout XXX so that the command has a longer timeout period for when many jobs are being run simultaneously. |
Ticket # 27439 |