CAST Console - Application Scan - Customized Assessment Model - Changes not taken into account

The page helps you create a customized assessment model in AIP Console for an application.





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Step by Step scenario

  1. Customize an assessment model in CAST-MS and export it to a local *.pmx file;
  2. Modify the aip-node properties file to use the pmx file;
  3. Restart the Aip node service;
  4. Relaunch analysis and snapshot in AIP Console for the existing application.
  5. Check results in Dashboard. 


Action Plan

With the step by step scenario provided above, the customization's are not taken into account by AIP Console. This is because, when you have created an application with a given Assessment model (AM - customized or not), this assessment model is taken into account. 
If you change the Assessment model after the creation, the new Assessment model will not be taken into account.

In CAST MS, this is a manual action that makes the new Assessment model to be taken into account. Such an option does not exist in AIP Console.

So, the only way to take into account the customization's done to the Assessment model is to create an application with this new Assessment model. 

The below steps will help you solve the issue - 

  1. Customize an assessment model in CAST-MS and export it to a local *.pmx file;
  2. Configure the parameter assessment.model.file  in file to use that .pmx file 
  3. Restart the Node services.
  4. Create a new application in AIP Console and you can see an additional step "Import Assessment model" which will import customized models.
  5. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant Inputfor CAST Technical Support to carry out further investigation.        


Relevant input


Ticket #20721




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