CAST Console - Application Onboarding/Delivery - Add Application - Restore Triplet Error - Combined Installation Process Failed with Errorcode 1


This page will help you to solve an issue that occurs in AIP Console while adding a new application when it throw's an error  Combined Installation Process Failed with Errorcode 1, while restoring the triplet.


ERR;31-03-2022 15:14:51.26; Combined Installation Process Failed with Errorcode 1,
ERR;31-03-2022 15:14:51.27; Failed
INF: 2022-03-31 15:14:51: Return value from restore triplet was not success: 1

Restore Triplet logs - 

2022-03-31 15:14:50,762 INFO ; CAST-Combined-Importer.exe 3.0.0
2022-03-31 15:14:50,763 INFO ; Copyright (C) 2021 CAST
2022-03-31 15:14:50,763 INFO ; Command Line : CAST-Combined-Importer.exe --schemaprefix build --host <<anonymized value>> --port <<anonymized value>> --casthomedir C:\Users\TKT\Desktop\Service_packs\8.3.40_Build10216_flat_for_customer --user <<anonymized value>> --excludecentral N --product CAIP --overwrite N --log "C:\1271\pd\AipNode\logs\external_logs\4d6e3624-76dc-4a0e-af1c-346d17727b4b\restore_triplet\restore_triplet-20220331-151448.txt " --tablespace pg_default --database postgres --cryptedpassword CRYPTED2:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --workingdir C:\Users\TKT/Appdata/Local/Temp\CAST\CAST\8.3"
2022-03-31 15:14:51,217 ERROR ; 'VERSION'
2022-03-31 15:14:51,218 ERROR ; Aborting CastCombinedImporter.



AIP Platform


CAST AIP 8.3 (tick) 


AIP Console Version Yes/No
AIP Console 1.8.x  or greater (tick)



The issue occurs because the buildinfo.txt file is corrupt. AIP Console is unable to find the Version from the buildinfo.txt file.

Corrupt file contents- 

Expected file contents -


To solve the issue, you need to

  1. Reinstall CAST-AIP. 
  2. If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, report your problem to CAST Technical Support and provide the below Relevant input for CAST Technical Support to reproduce the issue.


Ticket # 35001




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