CAST HIGHLIGHT - Results Upload - CLI - Failed to fetch company with id='XXXX'

User cannot upload the results of an application as the user is getting the error Failed to fetch company with id='XXXX' during the upload process.

Analysis stage completed.


Failed to fetch company with id='XXXX'

com.castsoftware.highlight.RTExceptionWithStatus: Failed to fetch company with id='xxxx'



  1. Validate the command line.
      1. Check whether there are any typos in the command line.

        For eg 

        [ERR5] HighlightAutomation --workingDir . --sourceDir xxx --ignoreDirectories test,.git,ide_settings,g --login xxx--applicationId xxxx --companyId xxx --serverUrl failed with code 5

        There is a typo in the serverUrl . It is, and not

        So the  --serverUrl value need to be corrected to complete the upload process.

      2. Check whether the server url passed in the Command Line is correct.  For eg If the account is associated with the url  the --serverUrl should not be
  2. Check if it is a proxy issue. Check whether the CLI machine is behind a proxy. If it is check if the proxy parameters is  passed in the CLI. A sample command to use the proxy configuration in the command line for a Jenkins configuration Build  is

    java -Dhttps.proxyHost=your proxy host -Dhttps.proxyPort=your proxy port -Dhttps.proxyUser=user -Dhttps.proxyPassword=password -jar HighlightAutomation.jar --workC
    Please check the README file of Highlight-Automation-Command.tar  for more samples such as proxy with no password and password. Also please refer CAST HIGHLIGHT - Results Upload - CLI - Scan is failing with error code 5
        1. If using a proxy, and if the proxy name is similar to (http://something) check whether using  the proxy name without http;//  solves the issue. Ensure that the format of the command is followed. For eg proxy name need not be given in quotes.
        2. If the proxy is http and not https, try with -Dhttp settings to see if it still fails.

        3. Ensure that the format of the command is followed. For eg proxy name need not be given in quotes.
  3. Check whether it is an authentication issue
        1. Check whether the user has proper permissions to upload. Check whether the user is the  Application owner for the app or the Domain contributor. 
        2. Check whether user account is deactivated.
        3. Check whether the user is using the appropriate ID in the command line depending upon whether user is using --basic auth or Oauth. Please refer CAST HIGHLIGHT - Result Upload - CLI - Failed to fetch company with id='XXXXX' "status":"401","decoded-status":"Unauthorized"
        4. If using Basic Auth and if you are getting this error please refer CAST HIGHLIGHT - Results Upload - CLI - ERROR: Failed to fetch company with id when using  --basicAuth
        5. If there are errors like ""error":"invalid_token","error_description":"Access token expired: check whether the token has expired.
        6. Check whether the company ID and application ID entered is correct CAST HIGHLIGHT - Portfolio Management - How to retrieve and use Company ID / Domain ID, Application ID, Result ID and Campaign ID 
        7. Check whether multiple domains are setup.  If so, confirm whether the proper company id is used for this upload. Please refer How to retrieve your CAST Highlight company identifier (companyId)
        8. Depending upon whether the user is a domain contributor or application contributor check whether the appropriate company ID is used.
          • If the user is a domain contributor, user has to use as company ID, the domain ID (the one you are a contributor of) not the global portfolio ID
          • If the user is an application contributor, user has to use as companyId the domain ID (the one your application belongs to) not the global portfolio ID. In Highlight portal use Application Scans > CLI Assistant to get basic command line configuration including application ID and company ID.
  4. Check the status of the application. Is it Active or archived? If there is nothing to Analyze and no results to upload then error will be generated.
  5. Check if it is a file encoding issue. Modify the file encoding, UTF-8 should work.
  6. Check if it is a perl issue. If there are error messages like Perl Command:null  it means Perl exe is  not accessible, use the Perl folder path from Highlight GUI Code scanner tools. Please check CAST HIGHLIGHT - CLI - Scan can't find the perl executable
  7. Check whether concurrent uploads are done.
  8. Use the latest version of the CLI. As the platform evolves (new features, new api endpoints, etc.), the command line also uses some of these functionalities so it needs to be updated frequently. 



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