CAST HIGHLIGHT - CLI - Results of an application scanned more than once on the same day is getting overwritten even after using –snapshotLabel and –snapshotDatetime

If the same application is scanned more than once on the same day, even the parameters of –snapshotLabel and –snapshotDatetime are not reflecting the changes. The snapshot  is getting overwritten regardless of the settings of these parameters. That is getting multiple snapshots of the same application if it is scanned on the same day is not possible.

The observations are as follows

Run the command line without –snapshotLabel and –snapshotDatetime parameters. The snapshot gets created with todays date and the label set to the application name plus todays date.

Re-run the command line with the –snapshotLabel set to “my test” and without –snapshotDatetime . The previous snapshot is overwritten with todays date and the label set to “my test”.

Re-run the command line again without the –snapshotLabel and –snapshotDatetime parameters. The previous snapshot is overwritten with todays date and the label still set to “my test” even though the parameter was not present.

Re-run the command line again with the –snapshotDatetime set to a date in the past and without –snapshotLabel. The previous snapshot is getting overwritten with todays date and the label still set to “my test” even though the parameter was not present.


Highlight retains only one scan per day. If you scan the same app on the same day, last result overrides the previous one. So getting multiple snapshots of the same application if it is scanned on the same day is not possible.

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Ticket Number

27720, 30340

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