CAST HIGHLIGHT - Analysis - How to manage the file size and file count limits set for analysis?

By default the  size of the file that can be analyzed is set to the recommended 3MB and it is recommended to split the scan if file count exceeds 10,000 files.



By default the  size of the file that can be analyzed is set to the recommended 3MB. Analyzing files greater than 10M is very problematic as it generally will cause problems with memory utilization and lead more often to crashes.  

  • An option is to use the CLI to bypass large file limitation by using  --analyzeBigFiles   Files greater than 3M but less than 10M can be analyzed with the --analyzeBigFiles option. There is also a similar option in Code Reader in advanced settings.
  • Or use the CAST extractor as recommended for specific technologies in the getting started guide. Please  refer  (

If the total number of files exceeds 10,000 files,It is recommended to use the Command Line which is less CPU-consuming, 

  • To split the application scan into several separate scans using CLI: 
    The --appendResult option can be used when you need to upload multiple results from the same application (e.g., you scanned a part on day 1, scanned a second part on day 2, etc.). In this specific case, you don't want to submit results (calculate scores) on part 1 only, you want to append all result zip files and finally submit results once you have all the parts uploaded. 
    It is recommend to do rather two scans by using --skipSubmit and --appendResult options. See this article for details:  CAST HIGHLIGHT - CLI - Can --appendResult and --skipSubmit options be used together in a command?
  • If using the Code Reader, it is recommended to run multiple scans (different folders), then you'll be able to upload output ZIPs for the same application. Results should be aggregated into a single application result. Though you may need to be careful of multiple framework and binarylibrary csvs. Make sure they have unique names when uploading. 



Ticket Number

23500, 28915, 38095, 25413, 28497, 42758


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