CAST HIGHLIGHT - Code Reader - How to find the version of Code Reader you are using to scan your application

Code Reader contains all the code quality analyzers and other utilities needed to analyze your source code. Code Reader will create an encrypted file, once the analysis is complete, that you need to upload to the portal. This file only contains the application name and data needed to finalize the scanning.  No source code or other information is ever uploaded to the portal.


How to identify the version you are using to scan your application ?

You can retrieve this info in the CSV file in the headers, or eventually in the first screen when you launch the Code Reader as shown below 




How to Identify the latest/current Code Reader version that can be downloaded from the platform? 

Simply navigate to the Applications Scans tab and you will see the version as highlighted below -

Screenshot 2024-11-22 105759.png


Related Pages

CAST HIGHLIGHT - CLI - How to find the version of CLI you are using to scan your application

Highlight Automated Code Scan (Command Line)

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