CAST HIGHLIGHT - Portal - Registration - How to Activate Your New Highlight Account

Follow the below steps to activate your highlight Account as a new user.

  1. Click  or  copy and paste into your browser, the confirmation link that you have received in the  "CAST Highlight - Registration confirmation" mail.The link is valid only for 2 days.
  2. Enter your new password. Refer pointer 1 in the screenshot below. User name will be auto populated. Password must be 10 characters in length and must include numeric, upper case and lower case characters.
  3. Confirm your password. Refer pointer 2 in the screenshot below. 
  4. Click on the "Save" button. Refer pointer 3 in the screenshot below. Account_Activation.JPG
  5. Enter your new password. Refer pointer 4 in the screenshot below. User name will be auto populated.
  6. Click the "Log me in" button. Refer pointer 5 in the screenshot below. Account_Activation_2.JPG
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