CAST HIGHLIGHT - Free Trial - How to use the free trial option ?

CAST is providing free trial versions of Highlight instance for you to analyze your own applications. The free trial version allows you to analyse any number of applications using Highlight. Free trial option can help you research the viability of Highlight for your organizations use cases, by conducting your own pilot application analysis.


With this 14-day free trial option, you can view 25% of your analysis results. At any time during the 14 day trial period, there exists the option for you to upgrade your free Highlight instance to a paid one, unlocking 100% view of the analysis results of your application.


During your free trial period you will get email updates about the usage of the product along with tips and tricks to get the maximum out of the product.


How to access and use the free trial option?

  1. It is simple. Use the URL to fill out a simple form and click "Start your trial" to get an invite by mail. The mail contains detailed information about logging in and using Highlight. 1a.png
  2. Log in to your free trial instance, download the code reader to your system, analyse your application and upload the results in CSV format to the Highlight portal. You can view 25% of your appplications analysis results. Click the "Upgrade Now" button shown below to purchase and see all of your analysis results.  (different purchase options exists (ex : marketplaces), and an option to contact CAST to make the purchase.) 1.pngIf you want to see the read only result of the full analysis of a demo application you can use the "click here" link as shown above. 


How the free trial works?

Only 25% of each uploaded result CSV's are processed in the free trial option in Highlight portal.


Resources to help you analyze your application

CAST Highlight Getting Started Guide

CAST Highlight Product Documentation

CAST Highlight Troubleshooting Guides


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