CAST SBOM Manager - Crash - No error messages and Not able to start

When trying to access the SBOM manager it is crashing without any error message.


Action Plan

  1. Open the system tray icon, right click on the SBOM Manager icon and click on “Open browser”.
  2. Check if the following pre-requisites are satisfied.
          • Internet Access: Since the product interacts with CAST Highlight’s SCA database, the machine where the product will be running requires access to the Internet.
          • Operating System: Windows (10 preferred), Linux
          • Java Runtime Environment: JRE 11 (required for Linux)
          • Local Port 9001 should be available
          • RAM/Memory: 16GB recommended
          • Storage Drive Space: 200MB minimum
  3. Use the URL http://localhost:9001 (Change the port number in the URL, if it is changed from the default port 9001)
  4. Check if there is a possible conflict on the port from another application running on the machine. If this port is already in use by another application, change it by following the following steps in  Windows.
          1. Locate the sbom-manager.exe folder location (generally %USER%\AppData\Local\Programs\sbom-manager\)  
          2. Create a file called sbom-manager.l4j.ini next to sbom-manager.exe
          3. Add into it the line: -Dserver.port=9091 (choose the port you prefer)1.png
  5. Try restarting the server.




Related Articles/Documents

CAST SBOM Manager UserGuide.pdf


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