CAST Imaging - Neo4j - Information - How to change the password of "system" user of neo4j ?


This page describes the steps that are to be followed to change the password of "system" user of neo4j



CAST Imaging System


2.x Yes



Please follow the below steps. 

  1. Take the backup of file auth.ini from path "C:\ProgramData\CAST\ImagingSystem\Neo4j_data\dbms" and delete the file from this path.
  2. Change the password in neo4j browser using the command "ALTER USER neo4j SET PASSWORD '"
  3. Restart neo4j service.
  4. Connect to neo4j browser and check if new password works.
  5. After changing the password, update the new password in imagingetl.json and imagingservice.json (Located at %AppData%\Roaming\CAST\ImagingSystem\imagingservice)
  6. Restart imagingetl and imagingservice.
  7. Check if these services are able to connect to neo4j with new password from the log. 


 # 47433





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