CAST HIGHLIGHT - CLI - Error code 9 - Command Line unzipping jars or zip error

When running --includeArchiveContent command to scan zipped source code files user is getting the error   (9) Command Line unziping jars or zip error


Action Plan

  1. If scanning Docker image using Docker CLI, check if Docker CLI supports scan of Docker images.
  2. Check if the archived file format is supported by --includeArchiveContent.  --includeArchiveContent of the command line supports only .jar, .tar, .zip, .war files. Please also refer CAST HIGHLIGHT - Analyzer - Can Zip files be used for Analysis ?
  3. Check if the user account has adequate permission to write to the sourceDir. This is needed as  --includeArchiveContent has to add the content of the zip files to the source directory. 
  4. If in the logs, a message which says encrypted ZIP entry not supported is found, check if there are any password-protected zip files in the scan. If so, try to manually remove them from the folder. Since they are  password-protected zip files, excluding them with the the -ignoreFiles parameter won't work. 

  5. Check the Highlight automation log  for messages like  invalid.tar found                                         

Preparing analysis...
Unzipping archived file
abc.tar found
layer.tar found
layer.tar found
layer.tar found
invalid.tar found
Failed to create directory C:\temp\casthlsrc\archivedContent\invalid\foo
[ERR9] HighlightAutomation --sourceDir C:\temp\casthlsrc --workingDir C:\temp\cast --skipUpload --includeArchiveContent=3 failed with code 9                                                                                                   

For eg: If in the Highlight automation log the message invalid.tar found is seen, then use the {levelOfDepth} option in the command to find at which level of depth the invalid file is found. For eg if adding the parameter 3 that is --includeArchiveContent 3 the error is seen, then it confirms, that there exists a file in layer 3 which is the reason for the scan to fail.  Check the layer-3 level file to investigate further.


NB : The scan of password-encrypted archives or linux symbolic links are not supported. 


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CAST HIGHLIGHT - Analyzer - Can Zip files be used for Analysis ?


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Highlight Automated Code Scan (Command Line)



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