CAST HIGHLIGHT - CLI - Error code 6 - Command Line source dir or output dir validation error

User is getting the error "Source directory does not exists" along with (6) Command Line source validation error .


Action Plan

  1. Check the command to find out if all the parameters passed are correct
        1. Modify the command to point to the proper source directory.  This must exist and be where the current source resides.  It should be separate from the working directory.
        2. Check the command whether the Directory of Perl installation ie 
          perlInstallDir is mentioned correctly. The default is:  C:\Program Files\Cast\HighlightAgent\perl .
        3. If an error "Directory containing perl script for analyzer should exist" is thrown  then follow CAST HIGHLIGHT - CLI - Running the HighlightAutomation.jar results in error "Directory containing perl script for analyzer should exist"  This happens when HighlightAutomation.jar is run from outside the directory which has the jar.
        4. --workingDir is the directory where the scan results and analysis log files are stored in a Highlight created  temporary folder ("HLTemporary").  This should be a unique directory for each analysis to store the analysis results
        5. If the command returns either "syntax of the command is incorrect " or "argument cannot be parsed", then please re-verify your command syntax and arguments and correct as needed.
  2. Use the latest version of the CLI. As the platform evolves (new features, new API endpoints, etc.) are added, the command line also uses some of these functionalities. 




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Highlight Automated Code Scan (Command Line)


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