CAST Console - Installation - AIP Console reinstall error - Unable to Access uninstaller.jar - aip-node-app.bat/aip-service-registry-app.bat does not exist


This page will help you to you resolve the error - 

../aip-service-registry-app.bat does not exist or is not a file. 


Or this error - aip-node-app.bat does not exist:


Or this error - unable to access uninstaller.jar:





V2 (tick)



  1. Install V2 version of AIP Console. 
  2. Run a few applications.
  3. Uninstall V2 version of AIP Console.
  4. Install V2 version of AIP Console in another drive. 
  5. The error is observed.



The issue occurs when the service registry is not correctly uninstalled/removed from the machine. 

To solve the issue, perform the below actions 

Press the Windows Logo key + R to open a Run dialog. Type regedit into the Run dialog and press Enter to launch the Registry Editor

  1. In the left pane of the Registry Editor, navigate to the following directory:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion > Uninstall.
  2. In the left pane of the Registry Editor, locate the sub-key pertaining to the program or application you want to uninstall from your computer under the Uninstall key. In this case, AIP Registry
  3. Once you have located the sub-key belonging to the program or application you want to uninstall (it might not have the exact same name as the target application), right-click on it and click on Delete in the resulting context menu. 
  4. Click on Yes in the resulting popup to confirm the action.
  5. Once the sub-key belonging to the target application has been successfully deleted, close the Registry Editor and restart your computer.
  6. Run the installer again.
  7. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant Input for CAST Technical Support to carry out further investigation.         


Relevant input


Ticket # 40817





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