CAST Certification, Email Signature, and LinkedIn Update

  1. Your certification will automatically delivered via email in a day's time, provided you scored 75% and above in the certification and completed all the courses
  2. Copy the attached email signatures and use them as your default email signature once you are certified
  3. Put your name and title next to the picture 
  4. For questions on an email signature, contact
  5. To promote your CAST Imaging Certification:

    1. Celebrate on LinkedIn with CAST's Support
    We'd love to celebrate your success on the CAST LinkedIn Page. With your permission, we'll feature your First Name, Last Name, and Company. Expect a mention like “@john doe” to engage with your network.
    Example Posts:
    • “Please join us in congratulating [John Doe] from [ACME] who just nailed the CAST Imaging
    • “Welcome [John Doe] from [ACME] to our CAST Imaging Certified Users Community.”
    2. Update Your LinkedIn Profile
    Solidify your professional online presence by updating the Accomplishments/Certifications section with your new credentials. Here’s an example: 
    Don't forget to upload your certificate to the Media section for added visibility.

               3.Share Your Achievement Publicly
              Announce your success on your LinkedIn feed with a post like, “I have just passed the CAST                        Imaging Certification!” Mention @CAST and use the hashtag #softwareintelligence to increase                    visibility within the Software Intelligence community. We’ll watch for your post and                                      engage with likes and comments to support you..

CAST Highlight Badge.pngCAST Imaging Certified Tag 2.png

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