- Your certification will automatically delivered via email in a day's time, provided you scored 75% and above in the certification and completed all the courses
- Copy the attached email signatures and use them as your default email signature once you are certified
- Put your name and title next to the picture
- For questions on an email signature, contact CASTU@castsoftware.com
- To promote your CAST Imaging Certification:
1. Celebrate on LinkedIn with CAST's Support
We'd love to celebrate your success on the CAST LinkedIn Page. With your permission, we'll feature your First Name, Last Name, and Company. Expect a mention like “@john doe” to engage with your network.
Example Posts:
• “Please join us in congratulating [John Doe] from [ACME] who just nailed the CAST Imaging
• “Welcome [John Doe] from [ACME] to our CAST Imaging Certified Users Community.”
2. Update Your LinkedIn Profile
Solidify your professional online presence by updating the Accomplishments/Certifications section with your new credentials. Here’s an example:
Don't forget to upload your certificate to the Media section for added visibility.
3.Share Your Achievement Publicly
Announce your success on your LinkedIn feed with a post like, “I have just passed the CAST Imaging Certification!” Mention @CAST and use the hashtag #softwareintelligence to increase visibility within the Software Intelligence community. We’ll watch for your post and engage with likes and comments to support you..