CAST Imaging - Installation and update process - Fatal Error - Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8 or newer not found in the system


This page helps you to resolve the below error when you try to install Imaging.






8.3 (tick)




Imaging version Yes/No
2.x (tick)






CSS (tick)



Step by Step scenario

  • Install Imaging
  • Observe error


Action Plan

Perform the below actions:

  1. This issue occurs when your machine is not installed with JDK 1.8 or higher version. As per Imaging prerequisite JDK 1.8 or higher version is required.
  2. To check which version of JDK installed in your system you can simply open a command prompt and type 'java -version' which will give you the version installed.
  3. To resolve this issue please install JDK>=1.8 on the machine where you are installing the Imaging.
  4. If the above steps do not solve your issue contact CAST Technical Support. with CAST Imaging System - Installation and update process - Fatal Error - Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8 or newer not found in the system#Relevant input


Relevant input

  • Screenshot showing Imaging error.
  • Imaging log folder


Ticket # 19270




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