CAST Imaging - Export options - Fatal error - could not write block xxxxxx of temporary file No space left on device

This page will help you to find a solution to the error  Body (b'ERROR', b'53100', b'could not write block 48869735 of temporary file: No space left on device  for the particular queryselect data_id, start_id, end_id from aaa_is_dtg_to_export order by data_id  which you may encounter,  when you perform the Export of the application.



AIP Version


8.3.x (tick)




Imaging version


2.x (tick)






CSS (tick)



Action Plan

If Imaging export is failing executing the query

Select data_id, start_id, end_id from aaa_is_dtg_to_export order by data_id,

even after having the suggested configuration and memory allocation (refer configuration) then please follow the below steps to resolve this:

  1. If your Imaging version is 1.6.x then please apply the below WA:
    1. Replace the attached 3 files  aaa_is_ddl_install .sql, aaa_is_func_install .sql and aaa_is_init .sql which is located under imagingetl/scripts  path of your imaging installation directory
    2. Rerun the exporter.
  2. If you are facing this issue in 1.7.x version then please apply the below WA:
    1. In file aaa_is_data_install.sql  Replace line 8 ( file is located under \imagingetl\scripts of 1.7.x)  

       insert into aaa_is_cfg_options (option_id, option_name, option_status) VALUES (3,'Data Call Graph Identification',1);


       insert into aaa_is_cfg_options (option_id, option_name, option_status) VALUES (3,'Data Call Graph Identification',0);


    2. Rerun the exporter.
  3. If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, report your problem to CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant Input 


This export issue is fixed in Imaging version 1.8.0




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