If the export fails while performing an export then this page can help in troubleshooting the issue.
8.3 |
Imaging version
2.x |
Step by Step scenario
- Perform Imaging export
Action Plan
Perform the below actions
- If you are using PeopleSoft, Siebel or Informatica then this is not supported - Known issues
- We need to check If the issue is not due to Automation tool or PowerShell script, for that use the Traditional two step approach Two step export and import process. If this approach works fine, then this will be the Workaround to unblock the situation, After that contact CAST Technical Support with the following Relevant Input
- If the issue is not due to Automation tool or PowerShell script then we need to examine the log file to understand the issue:
- If you encounter an SQL error such as "missing relation" "missing view", "missing table" then you need to perform a component reinstall on the knowledge schema - SRV - Component Reinstall If the issue still persists after reinstalling the knowledge schema then follow the page Server Manager - Component Re-install
- If you encounter other form of SQL error, then perform the extraction in debug mode - CAST Imaging System - Information - Export application in debug mode then contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant Input
- If you encounter errors indicating that the issue is related to memory, for example "out of memory" then the issue may be due to not having enough disk space available on the system. Make sure that there is enough disk space available for the Imaging export. You may need to monitor the disk space with a performance monitoring tool such as perfmon and/or check out the disk space before the failure (see Microsoft documentation for perfmon here)
- If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, report your problem to CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant Input