CAST Imaging - Application layers view mode - Concept Objects - Wrong object name

This page helps you to investigate the issue of wrong object name, it means the name of the object in the source code is not the same as the one in the Imaging view.



AIP Version


8.3.x (tick)




Imaging version


2.x.x (tick) 






CSS (tick)



Step by Step scenario

  1. Import/export application

  2. Visualize Imaging results


Action Plan

Perform the below actions

  1. Check if the object name is correct in Enlighten, if the object name is wrong via Enlighten then there is an issue at  analysis level, you should refer to the following page for further investigation - CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer
  2. If the object name is correct via Enlighten then check the  object name in the export files:
    1. Get  the Id of the object by referring to SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - How to get the ID of an object from its object name or full name. Use the correct name to get the Id.
    2. From the export file named <application_is_obj.csv> , check if the name is correct.
    3. If the name is correct then the issue is located at Imaging Dashboard, Hit F12 in the keyboard and contact  CAST Technical Support with a screenshot of the Imaging Dashboard.
    4. If the name is not correct then the issue is located at Imaging export. Export the application in debug mode - CAST Imaging System - Information - Export application in debug mode  then contact  CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant input 






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