CAST Imaging - Application layers view mode - Concept Objects - Missing link

This page helps you to investigate the issue of missing link between objects, for example when you are able to find a link between 2 objects in Enlighten, but the same is not visible in Imaging System:.



AIP Version


8.3.x (tick)




Imaging version


2.x.x (tick) 






CSS (tick)



Step by Step scenario

  1. Import/export application

  2. Visualize Imaging results


Action Plan

Perform the below actions

  1. Check if the link is visible in Enlighten, if the link is visible then the link was created at analysis level, else if the link was not created at analysis level, you should refer to the following page for further investigation - CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Missing or Wrong links between two objects
  2. Check if the link is part of the export files:
    1. Get  the Ids of the 2 objects by referring to SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - How to get the ID of an object from its object name or full name
    2. From the export file named <application_is_lnk.csv> , check if there is a row with caller and called id.
  3. If the link is not part from the export folder, then the issue accured at export level, perform the following:
    1. Check if the link is a default link - Enlighten - Information - How to identify if a link is a default link
      1. If the link is a custom link then it is expected to not get the link at Imaging level.
      2. Else If the link is a default link then get the link type from Enlighten and perform the following:
        1. Export application in debug mode - CAST Imaging System - Information - Export application in debug mode
        2. Check if the link type is part of Imaging metamodel by running the following on KB:

          select case count(1)
          when 0 Then 'false'
          else 'true'
          from aaa_is_link_types
          where link_aip_description = '<Link type id>'



          If the query returns false, then the link type is not part of Imaging metamodel, it's is expected to not export the link,  else the link is part of the Imaging metamodel, follow next step

        3. Check if the link was ignored based on technical rules by running the following on KB:

          select is_ignored
          from aaa_is_lnk_processing
          where caller_id =<Caller id>
          and called_id = <called_id>



          if the query returns true then the link was ignored based on technical rules and it's expected to not export it, else if the link was not ignored based on technical rules, contact  CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant Input

  4. Else if the link is part of the export folder, then the issue occurred at import level, contact  CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant Input
  5. If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, report your problem to CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant Input


Relevant Input

  1. Screenshot showing the issue 
  2. CSV file resulting from the export process - Export and import the Application data
  3. Log file resulting from the export process - Export and import the Application data
  4. Cast Imaging System log files - Logging
  5. CAST Analysis Service schema


Ticket #  31175






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