CAST Imaging - Profile execution time of extracting application


This page provides you with detailed information about time required for extracting applications.


AIP Version


8.3.x (tick)




Imaging version


2.x (tick) 






CSS (tick)



  1. You need to run the extraction in debug mode - CAST Imaging System - Information - Export application in debug mode
  2. Run the following on the KB:

    SELECT Substring (START_HIST.step_name, 1, Length(START_HIST.step_name) - 5) AS 
           ( END_HIST.action_date - START_HIST.action_date )                     AS 
    FROM   deltatcc_local.aaa_is_logs START_HIST, 
           deltatcc_local.aaa_is_logs END_HIST 
    WHERE  START_HIST.log_id + 1 = END_HIST.log_id 
           AND START_HIST.step_name LIKE '%Begin' 
           AND END_HIST.step_name LIKE '%End' 
    ORDER  BY ( END_HIST.action_date - START_HIST.action_date ) DESC 

    Query result sample:

    step start_date end_date consumed_time
    aaa_is_dtg_create_all  43:15.7 43:19.9 00:04.3
    aaa_is_init  43:12.1 43:13.5 00:01.4
    aaa_is_dtg_table_reindex  43:20.6 43:21.7 00:01.1
    aaa_is_tra_projection_to_parent  43:15.4 43:15.6 00:00.2
    aaa_is_lnk_process_init  43:14.4 43:14.6 00:00.2
    aaa_is_lnk_extract  43:14.2 43:14.3 0:00:00
    aaa_is_lnk_good_to_go  43:14.9 43:15.1 0:00:00
    aaa_is_tra_extract  43:15.1 43:15.3 00:00.2
    aaa_is_dtg_process_init  43:20.0 43:20.1 00:00.2
    aaa_is_lnk_projection_to_parent  43:14.7 43:14.8 00:00.2
    aaa_is_obj_color_db  43:13.7 43:13.9 00:00.1
    aaa_is_tra_process_init  43:15.3 43:15.4 00:00.1
    aaa_is_obj_extract  43:13.5 43:13.6 0:00:00
    aaa_is_lnk_projection_to_called  43:14.8 43:14.9 00:00.1
    aaa_is_lnk_ignore_identification  43:14.4 43:14.4 0:00:00
    aaa_is_obj_color_dao  43:13.9 43:13.9 0:00:00
    aaa_is_obj_good_to_go  43:14.1 43:14.2 00:00.1
    aaa_is_obj_ignore_identification  43:13.6 43:13.7 00:00.0
    aaa_is_dtg_projection_to_parent  43:20.1 43:20.2 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_process_init  43:13.7 43:13.7 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_color_transac  43:13.9 43:14.0 0:00:00
    aaa_is_dtg_extract  43:19.9 43:19.9 00:00.0
    aaa_is_lnk_projection_to_parent_init  43:14.6 43:14.7 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_color_struts  43:14.1 43:14.1 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_color_mq  43:20.5 43:20.5 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_color_batch  43:14.0 43:14.0 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_color_servlet  43:14.1 43:14.1 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_defaultmap_by_type  43:13.7 43:13.7 0:00:00
    aaa_is_tra_projection_to_called  43:15.6 43:15.7 0:00:00
    aaa_is_obj_color_mq  43:14.0 43:14.0 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_good_to_go  43:20.6 43:20.6 00:00.0
    aaa_is_logs  43:20.6 43:20.6 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_color_mvc  43:14.0 43:14.1 0:00:00
    aaa_is_obj_color_thread  43:14.0 43:14.0 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_color_ws  43:13.9 43:13.9 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_color_transac  43:20.5 43:20.6 0:00:00
    aaa_is_obj_cobol_reassign  43:20.6 43:20.6 0:00:00
    aaa_is_obj_defaultmap_by_dependency  43:13.7 43:13.7 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_defaultmap_by_name  43:13.7 43:13.7 00:00.0
    aaa_is_tra_ignore_identification  43:15.3 43:15.3 00:00.0
    aaa_is_dtg_ignore_identification  43:19.9 43:19.9 0:00:00
    aaa_is_lnk_projection_to_caller  43:14.8 43:14.8 00:00.0
    aaa_is_lnk_projection_to_child  43:14.8 43:14.8 00:00.0
    aaa_is_dtg_projection_to_child  43:20.2 43:20.2 0:00:00
    aaa_is_dtg_projection_to_caller  43:20.2 43:20.2 0:00:00
    aaa_is_dtg_projection_to_called  43:20.2 43:20.2 0:00:00
    aaa_is_obj_color_userinterface  43:14.0 43:14.0 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_finalmap  43:14.1 43:14.1 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_color_batch  43:20.6 43:20.6 0:00:00
    aaa_is_obj_color_richclient  43:14.0 43:14.0 00:00.0
    aaa_is_obj_color_io  43:14.0 43:14.0 00:00.0
    aaa_is_tra_good_to_go  43:20.6 43:20.6 0:00:00
    aaa_is_tra_projection_to_child  43:15.6 43:15.6 00:00.0
    aaa_is_tra_projection_to_caller  43:15.6 43:15.6 00:00.0







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