Analysis Review
ABAP files with format LSVIM* are not analyzed
Cobol files not analysed
Dash warning messages in J2EE Analysis log.
COBOL impact analysis when an Array is used.
Running extensions at application level step
Feature Request - CAST Highlight- Feature to report non cloud compatible components/technologies
Feature Request- CAST Highlight - Is there way to validate blocker\booster or other insight based on line number
Information on how to read the analysis logs
Checks to do for a missing link investigation
Copybooks not analyzed due to default configuration option in CMS 'Exclude copybook files'
How to identify which CAST provided .jar files are used in the analysis, based on the Env Profile
Source files are not analyzed by .NET analyzer when the file present in CONTENT tag in project file
Internally escalated links created do not contribute to FP
Successful Java analysis
Java objects are not saved when analyzed more than once due to reference in Class Path
.NET analysis no more requires MS framework assemblies to be packaged
.NET Core analysis PackageReference not found by analyzer
GUID of an object contains some special characters at the end
Parsing of Java file messages not seen in JEE analysis log
Dotnet analysis log issue
Understanding the impact of warnings in analysis logs
What version of the extension should be used for an analysis and what is the latest version of an extension?
Investigate why files are coming up in unanalyzed code report
EJB-JAR.xml are not being analyzed during the analysis