Using CAST Analytics – best practices, examples, tools and more
The place to share and discuss sample reports, templates etc and share ideas on how to use and customize AIP tools like the Report Generator, Dashboards, and REST API. It also covers how to extend the AIP data with 'Background Facts' and the different ways the AIP measurement data can be extracted via for example Excel Power Query and Apache Drill.
-- snapshotdatetime 1708542060 argument not working?
Need Imaging APIs accepting Object name instead of IDs
NEW FEATURE REQUEST : CAST HL : Please add Frameworks identification.
Defect: Moving app from "AipNode" environment to "Cast-Aip-Standalone" environment.
Supporting JSON for custom dependency.
Feature Request - CAST HIGHLIGHT - Request to add status field/column in Highlight-components excel sheet export at the portfolio level
Support Of language Javascript 1.2
Extract Health Factor metrics for individual COBOL Programs and/or Transactions
Module based on object path,shows objects other than the defined object path
Can Enlighten support show link order?
Java Log Warnings with no description
CAST-MS-CLI.exe command doesnt support importassessmentmodel when MNGT containing mulitple apps
'JEE/.NET files not analyzed' OR '0 LOC for JAVA/.NET Application'
False positive violation of 'Avoid using SQL queries inside a loop'
The X convention
False positive violation of ‘Check usage of '==' and '!=' on objects’ in equals method generated from IDE (intellij/eclipse) in CAST version 8.3.5
Wsdl Port Operations objects didn't get Analyzed and also a missing link identified
How does CAST handle CORBA?
FEATURE REQUEST - To save the configuration done in CAST MS.
Avoid using SQL queries inside a loop
Power Query and Rest API
About Intelligent Alert Systems
Dashboards are great, but they can't do everything...