Hi, thanks for your feedback. Just to be sure I understand which part you are discussing. Is it about this project update : https://github.com/CAST-Extend/com.castsoftware.aip.console.tools
Feature Request: implement the possibility to select the custom Exclusion template while using the Tools CLI to run the analysis.
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Hi, thanks for your feedback. Just to be sure I understand which part you are discussing. Is it about this project update : https://github.com/CAST-Extend/com.castsoftware.aip.console.tools
Yes correct.
ok, next question can you detail what do you mean exactly by "Exclusion template" ? thanks
On AIP Console there is the possibility to define a custom Exclusion Template to be applied to each and every projects with the list of files or folders to be excluded from analysis.
This feature is not available is CAST is used via CLI.
Hello, which version of the Console you are using? is it V1 ? do you intend to upgrade to Console V2 ? we don't invest anymore on V1 Console projets.
Hello, we are using 1.28. We have just installed AIP Console for the first time with this version.
We decided to use 1.X version, because version 2.X does not match our requirements. https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/AIPCONSOLE/AIP+Console+-+front-end+installation
Hello, thank you very much for your answer. can you tell me why Console v2 doesn't match your requirement? What should we do to get your approval?
For example we do not have docker. Then I read Active Directory not compatible.
In addition let me add that we were forced to do this upgrade due to dismission of DMT, but we did not still complete the onboarding of all applications on AIP Console due to the fact that:
- we have 300 applications
- we faced several issues (several tickets opened)
- many features are not available in CLI and we use CAST only in automated way integrated into CL/CI project build.