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Command to view the latest snapshot data in the dashboard immediately for a single domain

In normal scenarios the dashboard takes some amount of time for displaying the latest data once a new snapshot is run. The data in the dashboard can be accessed quickly viewed a tomcat server restart or by reloading the cache. But this comes as a challenge in the case when the number of application is high and user wants to view data for a particular domain. it takes amount of time for the cache reload and server restart since it will be done for all the domains present.

Now reloading a particular domain is possible by the below command., thanks to curl.

curl -u admin:cast http://localhost:9999/testContext/rest/server/reload?domain=ED1

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Hi Rahul,

While running curl from command line we need to always take care of server architecture. If it is 32 or 64 bits and then run the curl executable accordingly.

Curl comes with 32 bit and 64 bit which could also vary according to the server type in which you are running the executable.

Am I right?

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Hi Rahul,

Could you please clarify when you say  "But this comes as a challenge in the case when the number of application is high and user wants to view data for a particular domain"

because I believe we can use the same URI "http://localhost:9999/testContext/rest/server/reload?domain=ED1" in RestAPI Client to reload the cache.

Is there any performance improvement by using this command?

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Hello Veena,

This would result in higher downtime of the app and also might result in locks.Yes the performance is better using curl.

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Hello Sreejith,

I believe this command would help to reload all the domains.

C:> curl -u admin:cast http://localhost:9999/testContext/rest/server/reload

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