Hi, there is a plan to incorporate the estimation of the analysis time before starting doing it in AIP Console.
Can it be a solution that can help you?
Need to get an automated way or query to compute the "set as current version" or "packaging time". Both these take 12+ hr for some of the custom apps. Need a way to quantify this and report back to help in identifying performance issues(if any) and reduce the time.
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Hi, there is a plan to incorporate the estimation of the analysis time before starting doing it in AIP Console.
Can it be a solution that can help you?
Hi Damien - This is more after-the-fact kind of data analysis. To understand how much time did CAST really take to complete the E2E analysis which includes these steps
1. Packaging
2. Set as Current Version
3. Analysis
4. Snapshot
As the client moves towards frequent rescans (monthly / weekly) immediate action is the identification of steps which take longer and need to check on what can be improved to reduce that time.
So estimation of analysis time before starting will not address the use case. Thanks.