These warnings infact does not have complete information about the missng calss paths which could be referred to take corrective action. This issue has been taken in the latest version of the JEE extension.
You can see the analysis log getting populated with dash lines during the analysis of J2EE applications some times as follows:
This is caused because of a missing jar file that is added in the class path section. That is the jar file is added in the class path section and the file is being made use in the source code but the file is not physically present inside the source.
The file as such would not be present in the physical location. Consider the below scenario:
The file I:\Implementation\Env\EnvProf\J2EE\JSE\JSE 1.8\rt.jar is added in the class path section as below
But if you check the I:/Implementation folder, the rest of the folder structure is not present. This is the reason the analysis log throws up the dash messages.
If you encounter this issue, please ensure that the .jar file is physically present or if not place it at the correct location or change the class path location to reflect the correct path where the .jar file is present.
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These warnings infact does not have complete information about the missng calss paths which could be referred to take corrective action. This issue has been taken in the latest version of the JEE extension.
If we double click at the dash warning, we will get the details of the warning message and the source section of the warning gives us an idea about where the warning originates from and that helps us to narrow down the issue by checking whether this source file is actually present or not.
Do we have any plans to add details into the warning message body?
Because it's not feasible to click every warning messages and check the content.