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Cobol files not analysed

We have encountered multiple cases where after successful running the mainframe analysis customer have found couple of cobol files were not analyzed and respective objects were not created in KB. When verified it was found that the files which didn’t get analyzed are in fact not cobol programs hence, those files were skipped during the analysis.

To know if they are valid cobol program, make sure they have PROGRAM-ID defined in it. PROGRAM-ID is the name that will be given to the object during compilation and it is mandatory for every cobol file, this is used to identify the cobol program.

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It will be difficult to identify whether the PROGRAM-ID defined or not for the files which are not analyzed.

Do we have any plan to add details in analysis log, something like 'xx file doesn't contain valid source-code'

Or some other file skipping reasons?

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In the case of invalid JEE source-code, JEE analyzer use to raise warning message like-

JAVA047: File is not a valid java source  

Can we implement the same things?

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Hello Durgesh,

Writing a Cobol Programs (.cob files) that do not contain a PROGRAM-ID paragraph is not a good COBOL programming practice. As of now analyzer will ignore such files during the analysis and doesn't have any details about the files being skipped. Following page has this limitation information.


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