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'JEE/.NET files not analyzed' OR '0 LOC for JAVA/.NET Application'

We have encountered multiple cases like 0 LOC after analysis or Snapshot for .NET/JAVA Application.
Whenever you encounter this type of condition, please check the associated analysis log for the warning messages for the keywords like " encountered an issue" or
"Log the exception information Exception EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION",
"Log the exception information Unknown Exception"
Analyzer raises this type of warning messages when its not able to parse the file.
It's always good to check the analysis log before proceeding to Snapshot, please check the analysis log for successful completion of analysis.
In the case of automation, you can create a job with keywords like the exception, encountered, it will help to monitor the logs.

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I believe the warning messages for the keywords like " encountered an issue" or

"Log the exception information Exception EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION",
"Log the exception information Unknown Exception"
is not limited to .NET/Java?
I have other extensions where I can see the same warnings whenever the extension fails.
So, these warning messages are applicable to almost all the extensions used while running the analysis.
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