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How to get AFP values computed for Transactions and Datafunctions based on snapshot

AFP values are metrics and are available for the snapshot id. So you have the values per snapshot in the central database.


Below are the queries you can use to get AFP values on your snapshot:

  • all AFP computed for transactions  for snapshot_id

         select *

         from dss_metric_results r join dss_objects o on o.object_id = r.object_id

        where r.metric_id = 10204 and r.snapshot_id = 1


  • The details per transaction

       select *

      from dss_metric_results r join dss_objects o on o.object_id = r.object_id

      where r.metric_id = 10204 and r.snapshot_id = 1

      and object_typ_id = 30002 – transaction


  • all AFP computed for Datafunction  for snapshot_id

      select *

     from dss_metric_results r join dss_objects o on o.object_id = r.object_id

     where r.metric_id = 10203 and r.snapshot_id = 1


  • the details per Datafunction  

       select *

       from dss_metric_results r join dss_objects o on o.object_id = r.object_id

       where r.metric_id = 10203 and r.snapshot_id = 1

       and object_typ_id = 30001 – Datafunction  


     the metric 10202 contains the totals.

From the query results metric_num_value is the FP value , and in the metric_char_value you can see some complementary information for the transaction. 

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Hello Veena,

It will be good if you add the schema details on which we need to execute the above query like central.

Also, could you please confirm if these details are available in the documentation?

If yes, could you please share the documentation URL

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Hi Durgesh,

It is mentioned in the beginning of the post that AFP values are in central base.

So queries should be run on Central  base.

Regarding documentation update, I will be sending these details to TKB team asap since these are not available there.


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